hgv driver but only because it pays more than I can make otherwise
Manual Airbrush Compressor
3.1K Views, 13 Favorites
Wick Holder Salvage
1.9K Views, 1 Favorites
Black & Decker Workmate Repair
4.2K Views, 7 Favorites
Building a Shed From Scratch
1.3K Views, 6 Favorites
Blow Torch Revamp
649 Views, 2 Favorites
Mounting Bracket Template
546 Views, 0 Favorites
Make Do Table Saw
533 Views, 2 Favorites
Messenger Plane
628 Views, 0 Favorites
Convert 120 Roll Film to 620 Roll Film
Pinless Fretsaw Blades
696 Views, 2 Favorites
Mortise and Tenon Joint
7.2K Views, 8 Favorites
Shed Roof Insulation
1.8K Views, 6 Favorites
Inside a Vacuum Pump
46 Views, 0 Favorites
Quick Easy Pour Paint Kettle
431 Views, 1 Favorites
Washing Up Liquid Scavenger
449 Views, 0 Favorites
Cutting Glass
4.1K Views, 35 Favorites
Commercial Spool Adapter
1.7K Views, 7 Favorites
Servicing and Cordless Strimmer
8.2K Views, 4 Favorites
Small Paint Roller Tray
122 Views, 1 Favorites
Old Style Power Screwdriver
1.2K Views, 7 Favorites
Electric Tooth Brush Life Extension
2.2K Views, 16 Favorites
Paper Shredder Lubrication
7.2K Views, 7 Favorites
Paper Shredder Bag
2.8K Views, 6 Favorites
De-childproof a Bottle Top
445 Views, 1 Favorites
A 'T'light As Camp Stove Fuel
4.8K Views, 31 Favorites
Axle Extension for Water or Wind Turbines
5.7K Views, 44 Favorites
Cleaning a Mortice Lock
2.4K Views, 4 Favorites
Flat Sausage
1.1K Views, 4 Favorites
Salvaging Coated Metal
1.0K Views, 8 Favorites
Hardening and Tempering a Screw Driver (&softening)
16K Views, 44 Favorites
Router Disc Cutter
3.6K Views, 38 Favorites
Pass Through Clamp From Clothes Pegs
1.1K Views, 8 Favorites
Purging a Gas Cylinder
38K Views, 68 Favorites
Replacing a Rod Tip Ring
6.2K Views, 2 Favorites
Better Smoker Burner
4.4K Views, 40 Favorites
Replacing a Guide on a Fishing Rod
54K Views, 40 Favorites
Custom Sized Rubber Bands
1.5K Views, 3 Favorites
UK/European Extension Cable
7.5K Views, 2 Favorites
Travel Rod Clip
543 Views, 1 Favorites
Fish Smoking Hook
2.9K Views, 6 Favorites
Dremel Battery Replacement
7.4K Views, 22 Favorites
Adapting & Fitting a Screen Protector
772 Views, 1 Favorites
Paraffin Wax Vapour Stove Concept Test.
4.2K Views, 12 Favorites
Keychain Craft Knife/ Box Cutter
2.9K Views, 10 Favorites
Single Tea Light Heater
8.5K Views, 53 Favorites
Shove Ha'p'ny Board
19K Views, 30 Favorites
Micro Origami
834 Views, 2 Favorites
What's in a Party Popper
70 Views, 0 Favorites
What's in a Pull Cord Switch
111K Views, 9 Favorites
Simple Normally Closed Switch
4.0K Views, 37 Favorites
Clothes Peg Bulldog Clip
1.7K Views, 14 Favorites
No Blade Plastic Strapping Removal
731 Views, 2 Favorites
'Instant' Latte
1.0K Views, 4 Favorites
Mini Bench Grinder/polisher
4.6K Views, 60 Favorites
What's in a Quartz Clock
14K Views, 15 Favorites
Simple Aquarium Filter
8.4K Views, 33 Favorites
Quick Cheap Dustpan
4.0K Views, 7 Favorites
HP1050 Power Switch 'fix'
983 Views, 1 Favorites
Pocket Proof Pill Packet
724 Views, 2 Favorites
Modifying a Schrader Tyre Valve
5.1K Views, 8 Favorites
Measuring the Energy Out Put of a Tea Light
12K Views, 7 Favorites
Repairing a Small DC Electric Motor
86K Views, 53 Favorites
What Is Salvageable From an Electric Toothbrush?
5.3K Views, 32 Favorites
E Cigarette Salvage
2.8K Views, 22 Favorites
Wing Mirror Squeegee
2.9K Views, 16 Favorites
Flower Pots & Tea Lights Heater
347K Views, 134 Favorites