Innovative Projects, Diy's, Life Hacks
Melting Metals in the Microwave
1.7K Views, 7 Favorites
Casting Aluminium Pencil by Using a Microwave and a Vacuum Cleaner
10K Views, 73 Favorites
3D Printed Coffee Filter Evaporative Cooler
1.9K Views, 9 Favorites
Wine Bottle Safe
18K Views, 156 Favorites
DIY Microwave Kiln | Fuse Glass in Your Microwave
134K Views, 657 Favorites
Concrete Tiki-Torch Lamp
3.4K Views, 16 Favorites
I Opened a Padlock With a Ring | Can You Guess How?
3.6K Views, 4 Favorites
Make a Chain From a PVC Pipe
67K Views, 158 Favorites
Make an Oscillating Tool From a Tooth-Brush
7.2K Views, 45 Favorites
Make a Wing Bolt From a Plastic Bottle
14K Views, 114 Favorites
PVC "2 Shot" Rubber Band Pistol
3.0K Views, 12 Favorites
Carrot & Cucumber Cutter (Julienne)
10K Views, 99 Favorites
Tin Can Hole Saw
25K Views, 143 Favorites
Jump Starting Car With Drill's Battery
61K Views, 31 Favorites
Stuck Hand in a Meat Grinder
2.5K Views, 7 Favorites
3 Things You Can Make From Roll-On Deodorant Bottles
14K Views, 37 Favorites
Fidget Spinner Made From a PVC Pipe
2.9K Views, 20 Favorites
Awesome Gadget for Pringles Fans
6.7K Views, 77 Favorites
3 Things You Can Make From Aerosol Cans
57K Views, 191 Favorites
Lamp From 2 Glass Bottles
11K Views, 93 Favorites
Altoids Scotch Tape Dispenser
2.4K Views, 25 Favorites
3 Unusual Ways to Cool Coca Cola
8.7K Views, 50 Favorites
3 Christmas Decorations Made From Light Bulbs
5.3K Views, 44 Favorites
5 Things You Can Make From Leftover Silicone
58K Views, 158 Favorites
Simple Tea Bag Extractor
24K Views, 222 Favorites
3 Awesome and a Bit Weird Donald Trump Diy's
3.6K Views, 21 Favorites
Make a Melting Spoon
33K Views, 96 Favorites
Start Your Car With a Rope (Dead Battery Life Hack)
237K Views, 316 Favorites
3 Ways to Make a PokeBall
5.0K Views, 18 Favorites
Put the Toilet Seat Down - LED Reminder
6.4K Views, 43 Favorites
Diy Magic Wand | Good Way to Prank Someone
6.2K Views, 55 Favorites
8 Pool Noodle Life Hacks & Diy's
710K Views, 516 Favorites
Stop Your Phone From Falling Out of the Pocket
22K Views, 58 Favorites
3 Things You Can Make From Caulking Tubes
60K Views, 101 Favorites
Temperature Indicator for the Faucet
6.0K Views, 130 Favorites
3 Things You Can Make From PVC Pipes (Part 2)
33K Views, 140 Favorites
3 Things You Can Make From Syringes
34K Views, 143 Favorites
PVC Socket Wrench
60K Views, 311 Favorites
The Secret PIN Number
16K Views, 190 Favorites
How to Cut Bottles in Half (Lengthwise)
278K Views, 401 Favorites
3 Things You Can Make From PVC Pipes (Part 1)
143K Views, 645 Favorites
Flat Bottom - Light Bulb Vase
20K Views, 428 Favorites
Turn on the Laptop With the Lid Closed
39K Views, 15 Favorites
The Color Changing Rose
5.2K Views, 80 Favorites
Vegetable Peeler From a Soda Can
11K Views, 129 Favorites
Hack Your Paper Towel Holder
16K Views, 125 Favorites
DIY: Glass USB Flash Drive
46K Views, 282 Favorites
Grate the Cheese With a Soda Can
32K Views, 106 Favorites
Make Jewelry From Glass Bottles
53K Views, 550 Favorites
How to Drill a Hole in a Glass Bottle
203K Views, 639 Favorites
Cut Nails or Screws With a Woodworking Hand Saw
48K Views, 140 Favorites
3 Simple, Yet Cool DIY Projects (P2)
2.7K Views, 28 Favorites
Secret Pocket in the Tie
16K Views, 172 Favorites
the Belt Screwdriver
29K Views, 95 Favorites
PVC Light/Lamp - Shade
11K Views, 264 Favorites
3 Things You Can Make From Pencil Sharpeners & Pegs
84K Views, 527 Favorites
3 Things You Can Make From Pringles Cans
327K Views, 393 Favorites
3 Things You Can Make From Shower Curtain Rings
87K Views, 302 Favorites
Hot Glue Matches
125K Views, 608 Favorites
3 Things You Can Make From Glass Bottles
217K Views, 907 Favorites
3 Things You Can Make From 9v Batteries
369K Views, 713 Favorites
Cut Glass Bottles in Half With a Blowtorch
11K Views, 124 Favorites
Use a Drill to Rock the Crib
8.7K Views, 45 Favorites
3 Simple, Yet Cool DIY Projects (P1)
61K Views, 201 Favorites
How to Cut a Light Bulb in Half
161K Views, 857 Favorites
Make a Super Selfie Stick
12K Views, 90 Favorites
Melt Used Glue Back to a Hot Glue Stick
23K Views, 171 Favorites
5 Things You Can Make From Light Bulbs
424K Views, 1,247 Favorites
Self-Flipping Pen Drive
14K Views, 143 Favorites
Pocket-Size Portable Hot Glue
21K Views, 231 Favorites
Awesome Spinning Toy Made From Soda Cans
21K Views, 389 Favorites
5 Min USB LED Light
7.5K Views, 161 Favorites
Custom Drink Coaster | the Joker
5.6K Views, 349 Favorites
Gadget to Scramble Eggs Inside Their Shells
18K Views, 202 Favorites
Motorized Display Turntable for $12
20K Views, 233 Favorites
"Anti-Gravity" Wheel
16K Views, 158 Favorites
Popsicle Stick Ring
52K Views, 953 Favorites
Secret Safe From Old CD's
25K Views, 618 Favorites
DIY: Glass Bottle Cutter
313K Views, 1,850 Favorites
Make a Copy of the Key From a Photo
58K Views, 101 Favorites
Burning Soap Bubbles
67K Views, 666 Favorites
Exploding Screwdriver
20K Views, 123 Favorites
3 Simple DIY's With InstaMorph
12K Views, 121 Favorites
7 Alternative Uses for Balloons
81K Views, 420 Favorites
Exploding Balloon Without Touching It
45K Views, 278 Favorites
Keyring Phone Charger
30K Views, 522 Favorites
LED Acrylic Glass Sign
12K Views, 258 Favorites
Solar Night-Light
8.2K Views, 108 Favorites
3 April Fools' Day Pranks
17K Views, 95 Favorites
5 Useful Life Hacks
41K Views, 212 Favorites
3 Ways to Make a Secret Safe
13K Views, 335 Favorites
New E-mail Notification Light
7.4K Views, 92 Favorites
5 Things to Make From Bottles
49K Views, 483 Favorites
USB Power From Drill's Battery
35K Views, 432 Favorites
Sound-Find Your Phone at Night
9.4K Views, 130 Favorites
Sound Activated Light for the Clock
6.3K Views, 50 Favorites
File Transferring in Emergencies
52K Views, 694 Favorites
Transfer a Video Via FM Radio
29K Views, 259 Favorites
Simple Shortcuts Keyboard
10.0K Views, 53 Favorites
Jump-Start Your Car With Drill's Battery
91K Views, 354 Favorites
Pimp Your Cheap USB Speakers
13K Views, 200 Favorites
Secret Message in Audio
92K Views, 491 Favorites
The Mighty Button | Sugru
8.1K Views, 84 Favorites
Tiki-Torch Bottle Lamp
5.5K Views, 88 Favorites
Let's Make a Spud Gun
4.4K Views, 102 Favorites
Poor Man's Fireworks | Sugru
13K Views, 193 Favorites
Flip-Out Screen Alternative
6.4K Views, 14 Favorites
Vibrating Alarm Clock | Sugru
12K Views, 145 Favorites
Secret Safe in the Jar | Sugru
38K Views, 367 Favorites