ESP32 (ESP32-CAM With OV2640) Using SIP(HSPI) for TFT and SD-card at the Same Time (inc. PSRAM, Camera and Switch)
10K Views, 9 Favorites
Using the RFM69/SX1231 in Continuous-Mode (eg. Receiving/sniffing Data From a WL102-341 [433.92MHz] Simple Transmitter)
2.3K Views, 1 Favorites
ATtiny85 Watchdog-reboot Together With SLEEP And/or ISR
6.8K Views, 2 Favorites
BBC Micro:bit – Using Bluetooth With Samsung Example Scripts
8.1K Views, 3 Favorites
BBC Micro:bit – Power Usage & “Mu” (an Off-line MicroPython Editor)
5.3K Views, 14 Favorites