Never stops thinking.
Cyclone Weather Station
9.1K Views, 115 Favorites
How to Install NetBSD OpenBSD FreeBSD on the Same Disk
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Reinventing the Wireless Plug With ESP8266
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SilverLight: Arduino Based Environmental Monitor for Server Rooms
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EndOftheLine: Arduino Washing Machine/Dryer Monitor
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WasserStation: Arduino Based Water Storage System
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OrangeBOX: OrangePI Based Secure Backup Storage Device
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Raspberry PI Camera and Light Control Death Star
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NLDWRTG the ULTIMATE WRT54G Expansion Board
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NaTaLia Weather Station: Arduino Solar Powered Weather Station Done the Right Way
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IronForge the NetBSD Toaster
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JavaStation (Self-Refilling Fully Automatic IoT Coffee Maker)
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