

Joined March 20th, 2017
28 Instructables   681,033 Views   231 Comments   307 Followers

IJustLikeMakingThings's Instructables

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100+ Comments

Earned a bronze medal

10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

10+ Featured Instructable

Earned a silver medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Green Future Student Design Challenge

Contest Winner

Fifth Prize in the Anything Goes Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the 1000th Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Remix Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Secret Compartment Challenge

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Pie Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Build a Tool Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Big and Small Contest

Contest Winner

Judges Prize in the Puzzle Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Outdoor Fitness Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Science of Cooking

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Pro Tips Challenge

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Minecraft Challenge 2018

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Metal Contest 2017