Free Parts for Electronics Projects and Experimentation
7.6K Views, 75 Favorites
RGB LED Car Dash, and Door Lighting
32K Views, 324 Favorites
Make a Pizza
808 Views, 6 Favorites
MHI Turbo Rebuilding and Modifications
15K Views, 114 Favorites
Easy Medible Chocolates
6.9K Views, 28 Favorites
Dead Bug Prototyping and Freeform Electronics
104K Views, 579 Favorites
Easy and Foolproof Medibles With Cannabutter / Oil
19K Views, 75 Favorites
Soldering Electronics
4.9K Views, 73 Favorites
Advanced Charlicube and Modifications
5.1K Views, 24 Favorites
Charliecube -- Charlieplexed 4x4x4 RGB LED Cube
49K Views, 328 Favorites
Unconventional Repairs With Bondo and Super Glue.
6.1K Views, 10 Favorites
Hacking the CharlieCube
7.5K Views, 36 Favorites
Improve Fiberoptic Display With LEDs and Micro-controller.
1.9K Views, 9 Favorites
3 TLC Ambilight Clone
11K Views, 61 Favorites
4x4x4 LED Cube Upgrade With Shift Registers (74hc595)
64K Views, 34 Favorites