Smart Coffee Machine Pump Controlled by Raspberry Pi & HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor and Cloud4RPi
2.2K Views, 8 Favorites
Humidity in the Cloud
600 Views, 3 Favorites
DIY House Monitoring With RaspberryPi and Cloud4Rpi
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Connecting a DHT11/DHT22 Sensor to the Cloud With an ESP8266-based Board
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How to Control ESP8266 Based Sonoff Basic Smart Switch With a Smartphone
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How to Control Beer Fermentation Temperature and Gravity From Your Smartphone
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How to Flash MicroPython Firmware on a ESP8266 Based Sonoff Smart Switch
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Forward Gmail Alerts to Slack
5.6K Views, 1 Favorites
Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Using Raspberry Pi
10K Views, 53 Favorites