I'm a maker and student at Harvard studying electrical engineering.
The MEANEST Voice Assistant (with GPT-3)
6.4K Views, 38 Favorites
Personal Lightning Detector
14K Views, 116 Favorites
Secret Door Opener
2.3K Views, 6 Favorites
Raspberry Pi Touchscreen Display Tutorial
19K Views, 91 Favorites
Mixtile GENA: Getting Started With the Wearable Electronics Platform
1.8K Views, 12 Favorites
Never Forget Your Keys: NFC Door Reminder
18K Views, 166 Favorites
Annoying Soil Moisture Sensor With Photon and IFTTT
4.6K Views, 42 Favorites
Capacitive Touch Keyboard Extension With Leonardo
1.2K Views, 3 Favorites
E-Paper Weather Display With Photon and IFTTT
19K Views, 324 Favorites
3D-Printed RGB Wallet
3.5K Views, 14 Favorites
Flappy Bird on ATtiny85 and OLED Display SSD1306
7.4K Views, 51 Favorites
Business Card/Game Console: ATtiny85 and OLED Screen
22K Views, 205 Favorites
Display Images on OLED Screen With Arduino (ATtiny85 and Others)
28K Views, 80 Favorites
Prank Vibrating Mint Tin - Code It Yourself!
4.5K Views, 55 Favorites
Make Buzzing Bottle Cap Bots for World Domination
5.2K Views, 90 Favorites
Make an IOS App With Swift
15K Views, 80 Favorites
Pull Website Data Easily on IOS
7.4K Views, 7 Favorites
Arduino-Controlled Self-Targeting Sentry Mount
11K Views, 126 Favorites