MeArm.Joystick DIY En

Original: Pheonoptix's Pocket Sized Robot Arm.
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Since MeArm is great for educational use, I added joystick and 30 software lessons for S4A/C/Ardublock. All of them are open.
Files :
Assembly manual : meArmJoystick-DIY.pdf
Extension board EagleCad : Joystick
Laser Cut : meArm.Joystick lasercut.pdf
Out of Box

1) Acrylic
2) Servo x 4
3) Arduino x 1
4) Joystick shield x 1
5) Bluetooth board x 1
6) Elastomer gasket x 4
7) Screws M3
20mm x 4
12mm x 7
8mm x 16
6mm x 9
Nut x 14
Cooper pillar x 7

Necessary screws:
1) 20 mm x 4
2) Cooper Pillar x 4
First Servo

As the first figure shows, please choose the servo with the longest axis. Please pay special care in each servo installation because servo can only rotate 180 degrees instead of 360 degrees.
Necessary screws:
1) 8mm x 2
Left Arm

Please attach the stick and rotate the servo clockwise until it stops. Then fix the stick as the last fourth figure.
Necessary screws:
1) 12mm x 3
2) 8mm x 2
Right Arm

Please attach the stick and rotate the servo clockwise until it stops. Then fix the stick as the last figure.
Necessary screws shows:
1) 12mm x 3
2) 8mm x 2
3) 6mm x 1
Left Arm + Chassis

Necessary screws:
1) 12mm x 2
2) 6mm x 1
Right Arm + Chassis

Middle Column

Merging With the Base

Please attach the chassis to the base, rotate the servo clockwise until it stops. Then fix the servo on the base as the last figure shows.
Branch 1

Necessary screws:
6mm x 2
Branch 2

The number of the branch is 2.
Necessary screws:
1) 8mm x 1
2) 6mm x 1
Last Servo

Necessary screws:
8mm x 4
Gripper 1

Necessary screws:
1) 8mm x 1
2) 6mm x 3
Gripper 2

Rotate the servo clockwise until it stops and fix it as the last second figure. Rotate counterclockwise a little bit to connect the stick and the gripper.
Attach the Gripper

Add the Control Board

Please pay attention to the color of the 4 servo cables. The yellow color is adjacent to the arm. The coffee color is next to the joystick.
Trouble Shooting

1) Why does the LED on the joystick board flash?
A) The LED just lights up normally. It flashes when the board reboots. The reason is that there is too much current on the board. It may cause the servo angle to get out of range, as the screw is driven too tight.
B) Solution: Loosen the screws in each joint. Disconnect all the servo cables and reconnect them one by one. Please also check to see if you are following this manual when assembling the servos.
For any problem, please email me at ted99 at or add me as friend in FB. (Ted Lien)
30 Software Lessons