Make Your Own Tourboat

by instructrenee in Outside > Boats

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Make Your Own Tourboat

The Spreepark in Berlin is closed since 2001. Right now the park is being neglected, while the attractions could be used to have a lot of fun!In this instructable you can see how.

What You Need

camouflage clothing
large trolley (about 2 meters long)
a friend (two or three is even better)
chains or ropes

Go to the Spreepark

Neue Krugallee 1
12437 Berlin

it's for free! Just try to avoid the guards with their dogs.Wear the camouflage clothing.

Search for the Swans

spree kaart.jpg
You can find them near the dinosaurs.

Free the Swans!

zwaan gekleurd.jpg
help them to swim again!Lift a swan and put it on the trolley. Drive the swan to the Spree-river and release it there. Do the same with the other 14.

Connect the Swans

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Now you have to connect the swans. Attach two hooks at every swan. One at the front, one at the back. Link them with a chain or rope. Take the outboard-motor and place it in the swan at the front.
Now you have your own tourboat to see Berlin!