Lawn Mower Headset

with spring coming up and summer around the corner, many people will need to mow their lawns. I mow my lawn, (due to child labor laws being looser :) ) and I want to listen to my i pod/ mp3 player its pretty simple all you need is
1- i pod / mp3 plyer
1- pair of worker's earmuffs (harbor freight)
1- i pod / mp3 plyer
1- pair of worker's earmuffs (harbor freight)
Keep Quiet!!

the problem with using headphones with a lawn mower is that the lawn mower is much to loud to even hear the music so now you have to put the earphones in an encloser (hence the earmuffs) you can buy a pair of the exact ones I have for $4-5 go to this url to get decent ones for cheap:
then just slip those ear muffs over your ears with the ear pieces in and *wham* there you go now you can crank up your favorite music while you work! (I've found that you don't need to crank your music to be able to hear it clearly, even 1/2 or 3/4 will be a sufficient amount of sound)
Happy mowing!!!!!!!!!!!
then just slip those ear muffs over your ears with the ear pieces in and *wham* there you go now you can crank up your favorite music while you work! (I've found that you don't need to crank your music to be able to hear it clearly, even 1/2 or 3/4 will be a sufficient amount of sound)
Happy mowing!!!!!!!!!!!