Laser Etching a Water Bottle

by kwolff11 in Workshop > Laser Cutting

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Laser Etching a Water Bottle

I am trying to learn all things laser cutter. I have taken, the safety and basic use, the rotary, and the advanced techniques class at the TechShop My wife and I signed up for back to back sessions using one of the lasers and the 4 hours flew by as we tested out different materials and skills.

The laser cutters at the TechShop are made by epilog and at epilog's site they have posted all sorts of useful information as well as free art files. I found this one for a water bottle which looked cool and I had an old blue water bottle I could use.

I used dropbox to bring up my design to the computer at the laser. Since the design was specific to a water bottle with suggested settings there was very little for me to do.
I set in the rotary attachment (removing the clamp - since the opening was small). The only design alteration was to flip it around since I had decided to place the bottle with the opening at the bottom for a smoother ride along those big orange wheels.

I did a test run to check the placement and then reset and go.

the end result is pretty impressive for an old water bottle.