Key Lime Filled Cupcake!

by dabears1120 in Cooking > Cupcakes

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Key Lime Filled Cupcake!

These are an unusual twist on a classic key lime pie . The cupcakes look awesome, and taste even better!

My husband is a huge fan of key lime pie, and I love baking, mostly cupcakes. So, I thought that I needed to mix his favorite dessert, with my favorite pastime! Throw in a rainy day, and that is what led to the Key Lime Filled Cupcakes . This recipe will make 18 delicious cupcakes.

Make the Cupcake!

Alright, so I am all about being prepared. So, I would definitely recommend to be prepared . Get all of your ingredients out, and have them set up so you can just add them to the bowl and mix.

Here are the ingredients you will need:
1 cup (2 sticks) sweet butter, softened
1 cup superfine sugar***
2 cups self-rising flour
4 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Place 18 paper baking cups into your muffin pans.

Place all the cupcake ingredients into a large bowl, and beat with an electric mixer until smooth and pale, about 2 to 3 minutes.

Spoon the batter in the cups, filling about 2/3 full. Bake for 20 minutes.

Remove pans from the oven and cool for 5 minutes. Then remove the cupcakes and cool on a rack.

While they are cooling, you can move onto the next step: make the filling!!

***If you do not have/cannot find superfine sugar, you can use regular sugar and put it in the food processor for a little bit. Then just let it settle for a few minutes before you begin to use it! (This is actually what I had to do, as I could not find superfine sugar anywhere!)

Make the Filling!

This is a pretty easy and quick step, but is the most important as this gives the "key lime pie" flavor.

Here are the ingredients you will need:
1/3 cup key lime juice***
14 oz. can condensed milk

Combine the lime juice and condensed milk in a small bowl.

Remove the top from each cupcake, and hollow out a small hole.

Spoon the filling into the hole and replace the top.

Now that you have the filling, you are ready to move to the next and final step: make the meringue & enjoy!

***If you do not have or cannot find key lime juice, you can use 1/2 lime juice and 1/2 lemon juice, and will get the same flavors. I found my key lime juice at the grocery store, in the specialty juice aisle!

Make the Meringue & Enjoy!

Let's be honest. Hearing "meringue" is kind of scary. I was terrified to try and make meringue! A mix of never having made meringue before, a really humid day, and nerves, is usually a recipe for disaster. However, I was pleasantly surprised! It was way easier than I thought, and I'm confident anybody could do it. So again, let's measure everything out so we are prepared .

Here are the ingredients you will need:
3 egg whites
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
1/3 cup granulated sugar

Increase the oven temperature to 450°F.

Beat the egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peaks forms. Add one-third of the sugar and beat for 1 minute. Repeat until all the sugar has been added.

Spoon or pipe the meringue on top of the cupcakes.

Bake for 5 minutes or until golden brown.

Now you have completed these wonderful Key Lime Filled Cupcakes! Here's a fancy tip... If you are taking these to a party or a special occasion, you can add a twist of lime peel to the top for a splash of color.

I hope you enjoyed making (and eating!) these as much as I did! Enjoy them!