
I found a box for an iPhone 4, sadly missing it's contents. It is made out of pretty stiff cardboard. I thought it would make a nice little drawer. This is how the IDrawer was born.
Materials Needed

iPhone 4 box, don't know what the other version boxes look like.
Tape. I used duct.
Piece of cardboard at least measuring 5" x 2 3/4"
Self tapping screw a little bit longer than the knob
Ruler and cutting device
Tape. I used duct.
Piece of cardboard at least measuring 5" x 2 3/4"
Self tapping screw a little bit longer than the knob
Ruler and cutting device
Remove the Insides of the Box

Find Your Cardboard

Cardboard from a misc box. These were yummy!
Measure and Mark

Measure to fit inside edges of box top. There is a space there. Lid is taller than the bottom by about the thickness of my cardboard.
Cut the Cardboard With Instrument of Choice

Remove One of the Ends of the Top

Place Cardboard in Bottom of Box Top, Leave Inside in Place to Hold the Cardboard

Start Taping and Trimming

Add Knob

This is a little porcelain knob that I found and had saved to find a use for it someday and I did. Used a self tapping screw a little longer than the knob. You can measure to find the center, but I just eyeballed it. Put a piece of tape over the end that protruded inside. You could use a small bolt instead.
Final Result

In Its Place by My Desk