Things You'll Need:
- Large empty jar
- Balloon
- Scissors
- Rubber band
- Long straw
- Pin
- Tape
- Rubber cement glue
- White cardboard piece
- Black and red felt pens
Take the scissors and cut the balloon approximately one-quarter of the way up from its neck. Place the jar on a table that is next to a wall.
Position the cut side of the balloon over the jar's mouth. Stretch the balloon over it and use the rubber band to hold the balloon in place. Make sure that the rubber band fits snugly around the edge of the jar's mouth to ensure that the jar is airtight.
Stick the straw to the center of the balloon with some tape or glue. The straw should be long enough so that approximately one-third of it hangs over the edge of the jar. Attach the pin to the end of the straw with the glue. The pin acts as a pointer.
Draw three equally spaced lines on the cardboard with the black pen. The lines should be spaced about 1/2 --inch apart. Label the top line as high, the middle line as moderate and the bottom line as low.
Tape the cardboard piece to the wall and place the homemade barometer next to it. The pin pointer should touch the cardboard. With the red pen, mark the location on the cardboard where the pin pointer touches it. Record the time and date for this first reading.
Predict weather patterns by noticing the location of the pointer on the piece of cardboard. Check how far the position of the pointer moves from the original red mark. Do this a few times each day for a week and record your findings.
Observe that the pointer moves downwards and the balloon expands (pushes up) when the air pressure is low, while the opposite occurs when the air pressure is high. You can create this barometer for a science project to predict changes in the weather. An increase in air pressure can mean a fair or clear day. Conversely, a low air pressure reading corresponds to possible precipitation or cloudy weather.