How to Install Mechwarrior 2 ( Most Versions ) Easy!

by d2j5 in Living > Video Games

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How to Install Mechwarrior 2 ( Most Versions ) Easy!

this has been one of my favorite games over the years, and after trial and error i came across this very easy way to get this game up and running with little or no issues! the only requirement is that you own a legitimate copy of Mechwarrior 2.

this method "should" install almost every version of Mechwarrior 2, including but not limited to: Mechwarrior 2, Mechwarrior 2 Titanium, and Mechwarrior 2 mercenary's, however it will not install ATI rage editions or special hardware copies, as the hardware is out of date and impossible to find.

NOTE: for reference i am running the Titanium version of the game on windows XP (2003)

Download This File  download the first file and extract to a directory of your choosing, i extracted it to my desktop for easy access.


Get Your Mechwarrior 2 Disk

Picture 008.jpg
Insert the disk into your CD drive and close.

NOTE: getting your mechwarrior 2 disk may require hours of searching though piles of games and other assorted things from 1995

Open MechVM

when you insert your disk, a install page will open. exit out while keeping the disk inside your computer.

Part 4

open your copy of mechVM and in this order, navigate though the files:

1: games
2: " your mechwarrior version" for titanium, the file name looked like mw2-31 stcc-tt, as for me i only had two files.
3: open your version of mechwarrior
4: look for an MS-DOS batch file, it should be one of the first files inside the game folder and may have a name like " _mw2-31stcc"
5: double click and your game shall run.

All Done!

enjoy your mechwarrior game! CLAN WOLF FOR LIFEEE :3