How to Destroy Your Computer's Usb Drive for Good!!

by peanutthegreat in Circuits > USB

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How to Destroy Your Computer's Usb Drive for Good!!

this instructable will show you how to completely destroy your computer's usb drives with smoke and possibly flames:}

Step.....ahhh.....oh Wait, Its Not a Step!!??

first of all, i am dead serious. this will blow up your usb drives and possibly destroy your computer. i would advise testing it on a friends computer when he's not home.

a modded disposable camera see here
a switch
a usb cable {anything with a usb male connector on one end}

Step 1....i Think

first get your usb device and snip the cable about halfway. Strip the sheathing and and the wires underneath. there will be a red, a black, a white, and a green wire. you will only need the red and black wires.

Step 3

Bens 6.jpg
connect the switch to the black wire on the cable and one wire on the camera. connect the red wire to the other camera wire. tape every thing up and make it look pretty if you want.

All Done

now, just plug in the usb cable,charge the camera, and flick the switch. BOOM, drive destroyed.