How to Create Funny Computer Prank
by Mohbuscus in Circuits > Computers
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How to Create Funny Computer Prank
in this very funy and very intresting instructable i made my self using only notepad and vbs script this prank will be very useful towards your enemy or as an april fools prank note this is educational do not use this code to hack and steal information from someone if you want you can change the error message however you want enjoy
Open Notepad
next you will need to open notepad its pre installed on most windows computers if its not on your desktop then for windows 8 move mouse to the top right of screen and then click search then enter notepad then click on notepad.
for windows 7 all you need to do is press the windows botton then on the search bar notepad and then open it.
Next Copy and Paste This and After Copying and Pasting Goto Save As and Save It As Anithing.vbs
next you will need to copy and paste this code onto notepad starting from the first word that says Msgbox
Msgbox("error! has occured during instalation of web browser")
Msgbox("would you like to fix it") Msgbox("error occured durring fixage of error would like to scan for a virus") Msgbox("Scan complete! WARNING YOUR COMPUTER HAS A VIRUS would you like to fix it (reccomended)") Msgbox("virus reqests to send your importent information to the hackers server press the x or ok to cancel") Msgbox("importing banking details to hackers server......") Msgbox("importing passport details to hackers location......") Msgbox("all your importent secret ducuments details addres and other details required for identity theft have been succsefully transported") Msgbox("you shall not be able to use your computer anymore") Msgbox("your identy has been stolen and used for a pasport copy to hide a crime and frame you for it") Msgbox("£6000,900,100 has been withdrawn from your bank account") Msgbox("you have been deleted as a person from the home office servers") Msgbox("your house is now owned to the hacker Mr.Bangojang Bambadchi") Msgbox("your computer and your whole life will be destroyd") Msgbox("this virus is called deathstreackbuscus and when you see me its too late") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 10!.....") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 9!.....") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 8!.....") Msgbox("your pc will malfucntion in 7!.....") Msgbox("your pc will malfucntion in 6!.....") Msgbox("your pc will malfucntion in 5!.....") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 4!.....") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 3!.....") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 2!.....") Msgbox("your pc will malfucntion in 1!.....") Msgbox("your pc will malfucntion in 0!.....") Msgbox("Good bye my owner you destroyd me and your life :(")
Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" ) Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then do For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1 colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject Next ' cdrom For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1 colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject Next ' cdrom loop End If
Msgbox("OLOOLOLLOLO YOUVE been pranked this is nothing dont woryy this is a joke lololol done by mohbuscus")
Enjoy :) and Please Comment and Favourite (please Read Below Importent )
i hope you will enjoy this funy prank and at the end when the funy scary messages end it will open and close the disk drive and open the disk drive agian when closed the only way to stop this is to restart pc enjoy and please use this on somone who you think will accept this prank and laugh i will not be responsible for punishments enjoy