How to Clean a Dirtbike/4 Wheeler Carb and Lower Polution
by nibbler125 in Outside > Bikes
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How to Clean a Dirtbike/4 Wheeler Carb and Lower Polution

CAUTION you will be working around flammable materials such as gasoline keep away from open flames or gas heaters.
Why send youre dirtbike or quad to the shop to be serviced and spend possably hunderds of dollars. When you could do it youreself for free unless you need to buy the tools. So how do you know if you're carb needs to be cleaned? Here is a list of clues that may indicate a dirty carborator. Also cleaning out the carborator will help use less gas and save the planet with less pollution
Running on choke
Hard to start
Bogging of engine
Poor miles to gallon
Excess exhaust smoke
Starting then running for around 5 seconds then stalling out.
Wont idle
Wont rev
Fuel leaking out the overflow tube
Why send youre dirtbike or quad to the shop to be serviced and spend possably hunderds of dollars. When you could do it youreself for free unless you need to buy the tools. So how do you know if you're carb needs to be cleaned? Here is a list of clues that may indicate a dirty carborator. Also cleaning out the carborator will help use less gas and save the planet with less pollution
Running on choke
Hard to start
Bogging of engine
Poor miles to gallon
Excess exhaust smoke
Starting then running for around 5 seconds then stalling out.
Wont idle
Wont rev
Fuel leaking out the overflow tube
Tools Used

Allot of motorbikes or quads have been sent to the shop to be fixed and in the process you spend allot of money. When in reality you can fix it youreself for next to nothing. And worst of all you need to wait up to a few weeks for the bike to be finished. (most of the time its just sitting whyle they work on other bikes) When you can fix it yourself for free and in less than 30 min. so lets get started with the tools used.
1. A set of good screwdrivers flathead and phillips
2. A quarter inch ratchet set and a box of attachments
3. A big ol flashlight if there is little light where you are working
4. camera used is KODAK easy share cx7430 (the one with the mini printer)
1. A set of good screwdrivers flathead and phillips
2. A quarter inch ratchet set and a box of attachments
3. A big ol flashlight if there is little light where you are working
4. camera used is KODAK easy share cx7430 (the one with the mini printer)
Getting Started

I am demonstrating on a 3 wheeler it has the same carborator as most dirtbikes and quads. First you need to access the carborator sometimes you can just unbolt it without removing the gastank or seat. But in this case I need to remove the gastank. First make sure to turn off the fuel valve then loosen any clamps holding on the fuel hose. pop it off of eyther the carborator or the gas tank it dosent really dosent matter. A little gas will come out of the tube. Have a old rag ready to clean up any spills. Then hold a cup under the fuel line and open the valve for a second. Sometimes the valve will clog and no fuel will pass if that is the case then look for another Instructable. If gas comes out the tube then close the valve and move to the next step.
Removing the Needle and Slide

locate the throttle cable and follow it to the top of the carborator. Some carbs will have screws in them but this one just has a twist off top. So twist off the cap and be careful it will spring up an inch or so. Once it is off carefully remove the slide and needle straight up and out. DO NOT BEND THE NEEDLE and clean the slide and needle if needed. set it in a clean place or in a rag still attached to the cable.
Removing the Main Carb Unit

after that remove the airbox it should unbolt without any trouble. I wont go into great detail because all quads and dirtbikes have different setups. Locate the bolts or clamp that holds the carb to the motor. remove them or if it has a clamp then loosen the clamp and pop off the carborator.
Drain the Carb of Fuel

this step will allow you to get less gas all over you're hands. Simply hold the carborator upside down over a cup and let the fuel dribble out. Do not reuse the gas or the carborator will jam back up. because the gas in there is more than likely full of dirt or other stuff.
Taking the Carb Apart

turn it upside down and you will notice some screws. Remove them and pop off the bottom of the carb aka the bowl. You may need to tap the carb a few times with a screwdriver before it comes off because the gasket wont pop loose. After you do that clean out the bowl that is where most of the nastiness will be. Also some gas will come out so be ready to clean it up.
Removing the Idle and Throttle Jets

this is the part where the fuel is added to the fuel to air mixture. It is imporntant they stay clean. You will notice a place to un screw them with a flathead screwdriver. The idle jet is the smaller one and the throttle jet is the larger one. The throttle jet consists of 2 parts on this carborator on the bottom. remove that then use a wrench to un screw the main unit. Just use a flathead to un screw the idle jet.
Cleaning the Jets

You will notice that the jets look like a tube with little holes along the sides. Use a pin to clean out the little holes and then find something to put into the main tube to remove debris. After that blow into the jet to make sure you get everything out. if you are unable to clean out the jets there are prouducts that you can soak them in for a few to help break up some of the gunk in there.
Removing the Floats and Needle

the floats act as a valve letting fuel into the carb. When there is little fuel the floats lower allowing fuel to enter as the fuel level rises the floats float to the top and close the valve. This repetes over and over. Taking it apart is easy. All you do is pop out a small pin and pull out the floats there will be a needle on the floats held on be some wire. Clean the floats and needle if needed. and blow air thru the little hole the needle came out of to clear debris.
Clean Out the Main Body of the Carb

now that you have removed the jets and floats you should clean the main part of the carb. To do this simply use an arts and crafts pipe cleaner and carb and choke cleaner or compressed air. First spray carb and choke cleaner into the holes and let sit for 5 min. Then run the pipe cleaner thru the holes until the carb is clean. After that you will repete this process on the fuel entry and flotes then using compressed air blast away any grime that is on the inside of the carb.
Re-assembly of the Carb (jets)

what you do is make sure all holes are clean where the jets go and then you pop the jets back into place. carefully tighten them in snugly not too tight. and re assemble the bottom of the throttle jet. then put in the idle jet and snugly tighten it in dont over tigten.
Re-assembly of the Carb (floats)

make sure the needle is on the floats and simply put the needle back into place along with the floats and put the pin back into its spot. Then move the floats up and down making sure they can move freely.
Putting the Bowl Back Into Place

make sure the gasket is in place and it is not broken. if so replace it at you're local motorsports dealer. Set the bowl into place making sure the gasket doesn't move. then put in the screws. make sure to keep the tightness between the screws even orelse the bowl wont seal correctly and it will leak gas and do not over tighten the screws.
Putting the Carb Back Into Place

set the carb back into place and tighten the screws with even pressure. Put the airbox back into place making sure it seals correctly.
Replacing the Slide and Needle

set the slide and needle back into the carb it will only go in halfway. Spin the slide slowly till it falls into spot and drops in the rest of the way. Then screw the cap back on making sure the top also is clicked into its little spot.
Finish Re-assembly

put the gas tank back in place if needed. Connect the fuel hose. When you first try to start the bike turn on fuel and let sit for a few seconds and make sure there is no gas coming out the overflow(the tube at the bottom of the bowl) Once comformed the floats arnt stuck you can proceed to the steps in starting the motor. And injoy youre correctly running motor.