How to Challenge and Make a Airsoft Battle

by airsoftmaster191 in Outside > Launchers

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How to Challenge and Make a Airsoft Battle

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hi! i'm airsoftmaster191. and im going to teach you how to challenge and make an airsoft battle. if you dont understand at first ill explain things later but for know read on...

Gathering Up a Team

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before you go challengeing armys of airsoft experts you need a team the gear and a wepon. you can buy good mechine guns from japan(you dont have to go there)but for $100 or more. i suggest buying your wepons at a k mart or walmart. a good team member always protects the other teammates fighting to protect the flag or to get the least hits in 30 minutes. you can ask a frend or find people you know that may join your team. or you can find other teams and ask to join there team. but aslong as your in a team you should be fine. but team battleing isnt like 1 on 1. you have to listin to the captin and help other team mates. if you dont you could be banned from the team that your on. but if your genral you can kick off people. now to challengeing...

How to Challenging

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well. you think you can beat another team? first make a line to say or use my sample. but you cant ask like the ones x out. if you arnt mean the do the last checked one. thats a nice but challengeing way. so if you have your line down you can challenge. but you have to make a map and rules for the match. ill explain that next...

Makeing a Map and Makeing the Rules

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first BEFORE you challenge you need to make a map. use my sample. but its better to desighn a map then build one. parchilly cause it cost money but you can also use nature as cover. it would cost $0.00 if you used nature and its a good way to play out doors. so now you have to make the rules. use your computer to type out and print the rules but if you dont have a printer just write it down NEATLY! then have your team and the oposeing team sign. then lets make a tactic next...

Makeing Your Tactic

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ok. so you got your self a challenge. what are you going to do? scream and shot evrywhere? mayby not but its better to have your tactic down. use my sample for an example. then make your own useing paint and print it out OR draw it out. well you pretty much know evrything. but theres one more thing on the next page...

Makeing a Prize(optional) and There You Go

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now that you have made your tactic and ready to fight have a prize ready(optional). if your relly new to airsoft dont make a prize. what my example is i made a picture but you should bring the real thing. what i would do is buy a plastic trophy and put some change in it and put 1 meddle per teammate on bothe teams(all you need is 5 medles for a 5 on 5 team match). well now you know how to challenge and create a match so have at it! fight(with airsoft ofcoures)! check out my futer instuctibles! bye!