Green Jumper

CIRCULAR NEEDLE (60 + 80 cm / 24" and 32") size 5 mm/US 8
ALPACA 450-500-550-600-650-700 g
Worked in the round from bottom edge - See MEASUREMENT TIP!
Cast on 180-204-216-240-248-272 sts on circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 with 2 strands Alpaca. Work 4 rounds GARTER ST – see above. Change to circular needle size 5 mm / US 8 and continue in stockinette st. Insert a marker each side = 90-102-108-120-124-136 sts between markers. When piece measures 4-4-4-5-5-6 cm / 1½"-1½"-1½"-2"-2"-2 3/8" dec 1 st each side of both markers (= 4 dec). Repeat the dec on every 4-4-4-4-4.5-4.5 cm / 1½"-1½"-1½"-1½"-1 3/4"-1 3/4" a total of 12-12-12-12-11-11 times = 132-156-168-192-204-228 sts. When piece measures 50-51-52-53-54-55 cm / 19¾''-20''-20½''-21''-21¼''-21 5/8'' - REMEMBER MEASUREMENT TIP – work yoke as follows:
Change to circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7. Insert 4 markers in piece with 33-39-42-48-51-57 sts between each. NOTE: marker 1 at beg of round, i.e. at the side (= marker A), marker 2 mid front (= marker C), marker 3 at the side (= marker B) and marker 4 mid back (= marker D).
Now slip sts between marker C and D (with marker B in the middle) on a stitch holder = 66-78-84-96-102-114 sts left on needle.
Beg by marker A and work shortened rows back and forth over half the body piece, AT THE SAME TIME work rib, as follows:
Row 1 (= RS): Beg by marker A: K1, * P1, K2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, P1, turn piece.
Row 2 (= WS): K2 in first st – See INCREASING TIP, * P2, K2 in next st *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, P2 (marker A sits mid between these 2 sts), * K1, P2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, K1, turn piece.
Row 3 (= RS): P2 in first st, * K2, P2 in next st *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, K2 (marker A sits mid between these 2 sts), * P2, K2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 4 times, turn piece.
Row 4 (= WS): slip first st, tighten thread, P1, * K2, P2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 8 times, turn piece.
Row 5 (= RS): slip first st, tighten thread, K1, * P2, K2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 8 times, P1, turn piece.
Row 6 (= WS): K2 in first st, * P2, K2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 8 times, P2, K1, turn piece.
Continue with turns like this until you have worked rib back and forth on all sts (= to marker C and D = mid front/mid back) – i.e. for every turn there is either P1 or K2 more (as seen from RS). And on first row after a turn inc P1 (as seen from RS) to P2 in order to make ALL P1 to P2 as you go along.
AT THE SAME TIME after 3 cm / 1 1/8'' rib on the middle 14 sts at the side (i.e. 7 sts each side of marker A) inc the 4 P-sections from P2 to P3 (as seen from RS). Repeat the inc in these P-sections on every 3 cm / 1 1/8'' a total of 4-4-4-5-5-5 times (after the last inc there are 6-6-6-7-7-7 P sts in these 4 P-sections).
When you have worked rib on all sts to marker C and D, slip all sts on a stitch holder and slip the 66-78-84-96-102-114 sts from stitch holder on the other side back on circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7.
Repeat in the same way on this side of piece with start from RS from marker B and work rib to marker C and D.
Now slip all sts on the same circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7.
Continue in rib in the round (= K2/ P2 + the inc P-sts at the side) AT THE SAME TIME dec and inc in the rib on EVERY round as follows (this will create the sloped rib effect on the yoke):
Beg 3 sts before marker C and marker D (= mid front/mid back) and dec 1 st by P2 tog.
Beg 1 st after marker C and marker D and dec 1 st by P2 tog (i.e. dec each side of the middle 2 K-sts mid front/mid back).
AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st each side of the middle sts each side (i.e. the 7 sts each side of marker A and B + the inc sts in each P-section). Inc 1 st by making 1 YO, on next round work YO into back of loop – work inc sts in rib as you go along.
When piece measures 63-65-67-69-71-73 cm / 24¾''-25½''-26 3/8''-27 1/8''-28''-28¾'' - measured mid front (inc in P-sections at the side are now complete) work 4 rows garter st on the middle 30-30-30-34-34-34 sts each side (i.e. 15-15-15-17-17-17 sts each side of marker A and B) AT THE SAME TIME on the first row dec 8 sts evenly = 22-22-22-26-26-26 sts (i.e. 11-11-11-13-13-13 sts each side of marker A and B) – NOTE: work remaining sts as before. On next row bind off the middle 16-16-16-18-18-18 sts each side (i.e. 8-8-8-9-9-9 sts each side of marker A and B) and complete front and back pieces separately.
= 80-96-104-122-130-146 sts. Continue in rib as before but with 3-3-3-4-4-4 sts each side in garter st. AT THE SAME TIME continue dec mid back and inc towards the sides as before (inc at the sides inside the 3-3-3-4-4-4 garter sts).
When piece measures 79-82-85-88-91-94 cm / 31''-32¼''-33½''-34 5/8''-35¾''-37''– measured mid back – armhole now measures 15-16-17-18-19-20 cm / 6''-6¼''-6¾''-7''-7½''-8''– K 1 row from RS AT THE SAME TIME dec 18-32-38-54-58-72 sts evenly. K next row, AT THE SAME TIME slip the middle 26-26-26-28-32-32 sts on a stitch holder for neck = 18-19-20-20-20-21 sts left on shoulder. Work garter st back and forth until piece measures 82-85-88-91-94-97 cm / 32 1/4"-33½"-34 5/8"-35 3/4"-37"-38 1/4", bind off loosely.
= 80-96-104-122-130-146 sts. Continue in rib as before but with the 3-3-3-4-4-4 sts each side in garter st. AT THE SAME TIME continue dec mid front and inc towards the sides as before (inc inside the 3-3-3-4-4-4 garter sts each side). When piece measures approx 67-69-71-73-75-77 cm / 26 3/8''-27 1/8''-28''-28¾''-29½''-30 3/8'' – measured mid front (approx 15-16-17-18-19-20 cm / 6''-6¼''-6¾''-7''-7½''-8'' now remain until finished measurements) slip the middle 26-26-34-34-42-58 sts on a stitch holder for neck and complete each shoulder separately = 27-35-35-44-44-44 sts left on each shoulder. Continue in rib as before AT THE SAME TIME inc and dec as before (dec towards neck inside edge st). When piece measures 82-85-88-91-94-97 cm / 32 1/4"-33½"-34 5/8"-35 3/4"-37"-38 1/4" - measured mid front - work shoulder as follows: Continue in rib with dec towards neck AT THE SAME TIME slip the outermost 5-5-5-6-6-6 sts towards armhole on a stitch holder at beg of row from the side (i.e. from armhole) – NOTE: work sts before slipping them on stitch holder to avoid cutting the thread. Work remaining sts on row, turn piece and work return row. Continue like this back and forth AT THE SAME TIME slipping the outermost 6-6-6-8-8-8 sts from the side on the same stitch holder at the beg of every row from the side until all sts are on the stitch holder – NOTE: the last time there might be fewer/more than 6-6-6-8-8-8 sts. Now slip all sts from this stitch holder back on circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7. K 1 row from RS AT THE SAME TIME dec evenly to 18-19-20-20-20-21 sts. K 1 row from WS and bind off loosely with K from RS. Repeat the other side.
Sew shoulder seams.
Pick up approx 80-105 sts round neck on circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 with 2 strands Alpaca. P 1 round, K 1 round AT THE SAME TIME inc evenly to approx 128-136-144-152-160-168 sts (divisible by 4). Work rib, K2/ P2, until neckline measures approx 3-3.5 cm / 1"-1 1/4". Bind off with K over K and P over P.
ALPACA 450-500-550-600-650-700 g
Worked in the round from bottom edge - See MEASUREMENT TIP!
Cast on 180-204-216-240-248-272 sts on circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 with 2 strands Alpaca. Work 4 rounds GARTER ST – see above. Change to circular needle size 5 mm / US 8 and continue in stockinette st. Insert a marker each side = 90-102-108-120-124-136 sts between markers. When piece measures 4-4-4-5-5-6 cm / 1½"-1½"-1½"-2"-2"-2 3/8" dec 1 st each side of both markers (= 4 dec). Repeat the dec on every 4-4-4-4-4.5-4.5 cm / 1½"-1½"-1½"-1½"-1 3/4"-1 3/4" a total of 12-12-12-12-11-11 times = 132-156-168-192-204-228 sts. When piece measures 50-51-52-53-54-55 cm / 19¾''-20''-20½''-21''-21¼''-21 5/8'' - REMEMBER MEASUREMENT TIP – work yoke as follows:
Change to circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7. Insert 4 markers in piece with 33-39-42-48-51-57 sts between each. NOTE: marker 1 at beg of round, i.e. at the side (= marker A), marker 2 mid front (= marker C), marker 3 at the side (= marker B) and marker 4 mid back (= marker D).
Now slip sts between marker C and D (with marker B in the middle) on a stitch holder = 66-78-84-96-102-114 sts left on needle.
Beg by marker A and work shortened rows back and forth over half the body piece, AT THE SAME TIME work rib, as follows:
Row 1 (= RS): Beg by marker A: K1, * P1, K2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, P1, turn piece.
Row 2 (= WS): K2 in first st – See INCREASING TIP, * P2, K2 in next st *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, P2 (marker A sits mid between these 2 sts), * K1, P2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, K1, turn piece.
Row 3 (= RS): P2 in first st, * K2, P2 in next st *, repeat from *-* a total of 3 times, K2 (marker A sits mid between these 2 sts), * P2, K2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 4 times, turn piece.
Row 4 (= WS): slip first st, tighten thread, P1, * K2, P2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 8 times, turn piece.
Row 5 (= RS): slip first st, tighten thread, K1, * P2, K2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 8 times, P1, turn piece.
Row 6 (= WS): K2 in first st, * P2, K2 *, repeat from *-* a total of 8 times, P2, K1, turn piece.
Continue with turns like this until you have worked rib back and forth on all sts (= to marker C and D = mid front/mid back) – i.e. for every turn there is either P1 or K2 more (as seen from RS). And on first row after a turn inc P1 (as seen from RS) to P2 in order to make ALL P1 to P2 as you go along.
AT THE SAME TIME after 3 cm / 1 1/8'' rib on the middle 14 sts at the side (i.e. 7 sts each side of marker A) inc the 4 P-sections from P2 to P3 (as seen from RS). Repeat the inc in these P-sections on every 3 cm / 1 1/8'' a total of 4-4-4-5-5-5 times (after the last inc there are 6-6-6-7-7-7 P sts in these 4 P-sections).
When you have worked rib on all sts to marker C and D, slip all sts on a stitch holder and slip the 66-78-84-96-102-114 sts from stitch holder on the other side back on circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7.
Repeat in the same way on this side of piece with start from RS from marker B and work rib to marker C and D.
Now slip all sts on the same circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7.
Continue in rib in the round (= K2/ P2 + the inc P-sts at the side) AT THE SAME TIME dec and inc in the rib on EVERY round as follows (this will create the sloped rib effect on the yoke):
Beg 3 sts before marker C and marker D (= mid front/mid back) and dec 1 st by P2 tog.
Beg 1 st after marker C and marker D and dec 1 st by P2 tog (i.e. dec each side of the middle 2 K-sts mid front/mid back).
AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st each side of the middle sts each side (i.e. the 7 sts each side of marker A and B + the inc sts in each P-section). Inc 1 st by making 1 YO, on next round work YO into back of loop – work inc sts in rib as you go along.
When piece measures 63-65-67-69-71-73 cm / 24¾''-25½''-26 3/8''-27 1/8''-28''-28¾'' - measured mid front (inc in P-sections at the side are now complete) work 4 rows garter st on the middle 30-30-30-34-34-34 sts each side (i.e. 15-15-15-17-17-17 sts each side of marker A and B) AT THE SAME TIME on the first row dec 8 sts evenly = 22-22-22-26-26-26 sts (i.e. 11-11-11-13-13-13 sts each side of marker A and B) – NOTE: work remaining sts as before. On next row bind off the middle 16-16-16-18-18-18 sts each side (i.e. 8-8-8-9-9-9 sts each side of marker A and B) and complete front and back pieces separately.
= 80-96-104-122-130-146 sts. Continue in rib as before but with 3-3-3-4-4-4 sts each side in garter st. AT THE SAME TIME continue dec mid back and inc towards the sides as before (inc at the sides inside the 3-3-3-4-4-4 garter sts).
When piece measures 79-82-85-88-91-94 cm / 31''-32¼''-33½''-34 5/8''-35¾''-37''– measured mid back – armhole now measures 15-16-17-18-19-20 cm / 6''-6¼''-6¾''-7''-7½''-8''– K 1 row from RS AT THE SAME TIME dec 18-32-38-54-58-72 sts evenly. K next row, AT THE SAME TIME slip the middle 26-26-26-28-32-32 sts on a stitch holder for neck = 18-19-20-20-20-21 sts left on shoulder. Work garter st back and forth until piece measures 82-85-88-91-94-97 cm / 32 1/4"-33½"-34 5/8"-35 3/4"-37"-38 1/4", bind off loosely.
= 80-96-104-122-130-146 sts. Continue in rib as before but with the 3-3-3-4-4-4 sts each side in garter st. AT THE SAME TIME continue dec mid front and inc towards the sides as before (inc inside the 3-3-3-4-4-4 garter sts each side). When piece measures approx 67-69-71-73-75-77 cm / 26 3/8''-27 1/8''-28''-28¾''-29½''-30 3/8'' – measured mid front (approx 15-16-17-18-19-20 cm / 6''-6¼''-6¾''-7''-7½''-8'' now remain until finished measurements) slip the middle 26-26-34-34-42-58 sts on a stitch holder for neck and complete each shoulder separately = 27-35-35-44-44-44 sts left on each shoulder. Continue in rib as before AT THE SAME TIME inc and dec as before (dec towards neck inside edge st). When piece measures 82-85-88-91-94-97 cm / 32 1/4"-33½"-34 5/8"-35 3/4"-37"-38 1/4" - measured mid front - work shoulder as follows: Continue in rib with dec towards neck AT THE SAME TIME slip the outermost 5-5-5-6-6-6 sts towards armhole on a stitch holder at beg of row from the side (i.e. from armhole) – NOTE: work sts before slipping them on stitch holder to avoid cutting the thread. Work remaining sts on row, turn piece and work return row. Continue like this back and forth AT THE SAME TIME slipping the outermost 6-6-6-8-8-8 sts from the side on the same stitch holder at the beg of every row from the side until all sts are on the stitch holder – NOTE: the last time there might be fewer/more than 6-6-6-8-8-8 sts. Now slip all sts from this stitch holder back on circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7. K 1 row from RS AT THE SAME TIME dec evenly to 18-19-20-20-20-21 sts. K 1 row from WS and bind off loosely with K from RS. Repeat the other side.
Sew shoulder seams.
Pick up approx 80-105 sts round neck on circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 with 2 strands Alpaca. P 1 round, K 1 round AT THE SAME TIME inc evenly to approx 128-136-144-152-160-168 sts (divisible by 4). Work rib, K2/ P2, until neckline measures approx 3-3.5 cm / 1"-1 1/4". Bind off with K over K and P over P.