Format Old School Records to Mp3

by slimguy379 in Circuits > Audio

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Format Old School Records to Mp3

well I was recently cleaning my attach and came across my fathers old school records. He had many names that I listen to such as CCR, Beatles, Moody Blues, and the Doors. I also have a friend that wants to burn them to a CD so he can listen to them without wrecking his rare records so I stopped in at Radioshack and ask them what I needed to do this project. they handed me a kit that cost $70. so I said screw that, I then asked if there were any alternatives to do the project he talked for a few minutes about different free wares (I love free wares) and showed me a cord that cost a few bucks so I bought the cord and rushed on home to check it out. now if I captured you attention please read on>>>


If you want to do this tutorial run to your nearest Radioshack (they better be happy that this website is sponsored by them, or I would be asking for money!!! :) ) but you need to get a cord that looks like the one in the picture. Also check to see if your computer supports a microphone In. Most newer computer will have them. the microphone is usually near where you would plug in speakers or head phones in the BACK of the computer (its pink). now plug the cord's jack into the microphone jack. then plug your record player's male connection to the female of the the cord that is currently plugged in to the computer. also while this project is going on, you might want to download a program called : SmartRecorder. hope the download below works.

The Program

the program is pretty easy to use, if you have any questions about this program, watch my movie. This should help with the whole project but also helps with the program. but I will put it in writing, first open the program, (make sure that your microphone jack is recognized by the computer, by turning it on in the tool bar where the sound icon is) just to screw around with the program play your record and see if the program recognizes that there is sound coming through to the computer. If soooo, press the record button. this should start a record time. if everything is running smoothly let the record continue to play until the end. when done press the save button and a recording #1 will appear on the right side. if the sound recording is long the program will need to compress to song (as pictured).

Pretty Much Done

the program by itself will create a new folder in "My Documents", there is where all your newly recorded albums will be. Now feel free to transfer them to a jump drive, SD card, etc. also if you have 1 a burner,and 2 a burning program you will be able to burn them to a CD or DVD (remember not many player can play song that are burnt to a DVD so stick with burning onto CDs) for me I like using Nero 7 it allows a vast amount of possibilities as far as burning goes!


I want you to please watch this video so I won't have to answer so many questions!! Thanks
