Flame Throwing Altoids Guitar

in this instructable i will show you how to turn your altoids guitar into a flame throwing behemouth

you will need...
altoids guitar
q tip (instead of paper clip)
adjustable lighter
fuel line from a stick lighter
altoids guitar
q tip (instead of paper clip)
adjustable lighter
fuel line from a stick lighter
Step 2wo

tape down fuel line
then romove metal cover from the lighter and CRANK IT UP!!! >:O
then romove metal cover from the lighter and CRANK IT UP!!! >:O
Insert Fuel Line

place the fuel line over the valve stem
Tape Down the Q-tip

tape down the q-tipso that it is about half an inch from the end of the fuel line

you are now finished with your totally awsome flame throwing guitar just light the q-tip ( may need assistance (lighter fluid)) and then just purge yer lighter