Easyer and Best Pen Gun

did u ever want a cool pen gun to shoot over 200+ feet without needing any springs or explosives? well this is the instructable for you! this is my first instructable i am not responsible for any thing stupid you do dont aim at animals or people ever!!!!!!!!! it is dangerous
Gather Items Needed

Things u will need are scissors pen bic works ok wooden swewer they work best and an average sized rubber band
Take It Apart

start by taking off the top and bottom of pen it should be hallow
Now the Rubber Band

all you need to do is follow the pics they will show how and remember to keep the rubber band at the top of the tube to make it shoot farther
Put Ammo in and Fire!

Sometimes you need to hold the rubber band on the pen as you pull the rubber band back with the skewer or your ammo srry bout the fuzzy pics comment if you need help with the pen gun