Coaster Postit Note

In this simple instructable you will learn kow to make a coaster postit note thing. It is good for any work of home office.
Gathering Materials

To make this you will need the following materials:
1 coaster from a restaurant like Chilis
2 different(or same) colors/ styles / designs of paper
1 postit note pad
1 coaster from a restaurant like Chilis
2 different(or same) colors/ styles / designs of paper
1 postit note pad
Cut and Glue Paper

Now you need to cut a piece of paper the size and shape of your coaster.
Then you need to glue your two pieces of paper to either side of your coaster.
Then you need to glue your two pieces of paper to either side of your coaster.
Puting on the Postit Note

the last and final step is puting the postit note on the paper. it doesn't matter which side you put the postit on.
If the time comes and you are down to your last page. DONT TAKE IT OFF!!!!! All you need to do is put a new postit note on top.