Sensors Projects Sorted By Winners
DIY Digital Thermometer
Sneaking in the Fridge?
8 channel logic probe
Home Built DIY Home Security Alarm System
Urban Prospecting Detector
Passive switch alarm system
Anemometer from CDROM motor, and plastic Easter egg halves
Stickytape Sensors
Portable tripwire
Combining security system with phidges and twitter for awesomeness
Radio Control - au electronics
1, 2, 3, Metal Detector
Sponge Sensor for Scratch
Make an automatic plant light
Multitouch Display (FTIR)
Motion Triggered Spy Cam
Trackmate :: Portable Plexi Cliffhanger
Five-cent Tilt Sensor
Empty Water Detector
$10 Smart Home System
Laser Perimeter Alarm
Multitouch Pinball Instrument
Pressure switch alarm
spy microphone
How to Hack the Eco-Button to do other things...
How to Connect a Sensor with Audio Input and Output
Stairway LED lighting with IR trip sensor
30$ Surveillance System With User Interface
The Aqua-Replenisher!
simple wired 2 motor control joystick
Water Level Detector
DIY Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR)
Back projection 56 inch multitouch television.
Smoke detector alarm
Waterproof a LM35 Temperature Sensor
Tachometer made from a bicycle speedometer (cyclocomputer)
Universal (theft) protection for electronic equipment or cars with invisible switch
Temperature Control for Freezer or Refrigerator
Low Cost Bili-Light Radiometer
DIY Touch Sensor
Temperature sensor / weatherstation
Ethernet link tester
Homemade DIY Basement Water Sensor Hack!
Multi-Touch Interface on the cheap(really cheap)
How to make simple "motion" sensors
Two chip Frequency Meter with binary readout
Anemometer on the cheap
Make your own Balance Board (and be on your way to a Wii Fit)
Presure Switch Alarm
Digital Voltmeter
Super simple door alarm
$30 Historical Temperature Sensor System using PC,1-wire, Perl, MRTG
Tilt Activated Switch
Continuity Tester
Freezer Alarm
Hall Effect Latching Switch as a Turns Counter Sensor for a Coil Winder
Simple Security
High Heat Alarm
Idea: Medium Speed USB Oscilloscope.