Camera Wars
This is something I thought of one boring day at home. so basically its this game where you try to photograph your opponent or the entire enemy team. You will need to build bases and stuff
you can play this during day time but it gets intresting when played during night, since its harder to see ant taking pictures reveals your position.
This is not a collaboration with The Landon. in any way
well actually he just wanted me to publish him here.
and he helped a little bit. tiny.
you can play this during day time but it gets intresting when played during night, since its harder to see ant taking pictures reveals your position.
This is not a collaboration with The Landon. in any way
well actually he just wanted me to publish him here.
and he helped a little bit. tiny.
What You Need.
So here is what you need to play the game.(but you can add more things if you wish)
+camera: preferably one per person
+one ore more friends: you can play solo, or by teams
+building gear: this can be anything you can use to build your shelter or to help you in your strategy, for example: a simple box, or a pillow.
If during your game or while reading this Instructable you think of useful things for the game, please comment.
+camera: preferably one per person
+one ore more friends: you can play solo, or by teams
+building gear: this can be anything you can use to build your shelter or to help you in your strategy, for example: a simple box, or a pillow.
If during your game or while reading this Instructable you think of useful things for the game, please comment.
Everithing Else I Havent Said Before
rules (feel free to change them):
+if someone gets photographed, he is out of the game, unless you want to play just for fun and then no one gets out and everyone plays till the end.
+you can't cover yourself completely (like under a blanket)
there are really not much things to say. xd.
strategy (just the ones I invented, but comment if you think of others):
+use things like powerful lights in your base pointing towards the enemy, so when he takes a picture the light will appear in all the area of your base.
+make them think you are in the base or something, but then surprise them from the back.
(the picture shows how it would look if someone tries to photograph you when you have a powerful light pointed at them).
+if someone gets photographed, he is out of the game, unless you want to play just for fun and then no one gets out and everyone plays till the end.
+you can't cover yourself completely (like under a blanket)
there are really not much things to say. xd.
strategy (just the ones I invented, but comment if you think of others):
+use things like powerful lights in your base pointing towards the enemy, so when he takes a picture the light will appear in all the area of your base.
+make them think you are in the base or something, but then surprise them from the back.
(the picture shows how it would look if someone tries to photograph you when you have a powerful light pointed at them).
So here are some of the results at mi first attempt playing this game.
one is a shot of my sis who was hidding under bed, i took her by surprise.
the other is from a window that looks into the house from the second floor of my other sis.
we were playing me versus them.
i still dont have the pics of the camera my sisters had.
NUKES:if you are to tired to continue playing, you can always use nukes. be careful with them . dangerous if you play with them. specially if you eat them.
one is a shot of my sis who was hidding under bed, i took her by surprise.
the other is from a window that looks into the house from the second floor of my other sis.
we were playing me versus them.
i still dont have the pics of the camera my sisters had.
NUKES:if you are to tired to continue playing, you can always use nukes. be careful with them . dangerous if you play with them. specially if you eat them.