First Arduino Led
i show u how to program the arduino
simple and cool
simple and cool
Parts Needed
arduino (duh)
240 ohm resistor
240 ohm resistor
The Led
place the led
The Resistor
resistor placement
The Wires to the Arduino
install the wires on the board and the arduino
Installing the Program
now lets start with programing the arduino
start your arduino program on your computer
open the Files
go to the Sketch Book
go to examples
then to Digital
and open 'Blink'
when you done with this go to the upload button above the screen and select it
when its done you see the led starts to blink
start your arduino program on your computer
open the Files
go to the Sketch Book
go to examples
then to Digital
and open 'Blink'
when you done with this go to the upload button above the screen and select it
when its done you see the led starts to blink