Baisic Airsoft Snipeing School
by airsoftmaster191 in Outside > Launchers
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Baisic Airsoft Snipeing School

hello! welcome to airsoft snipeing scool. youll learn how to snipe undetected, worst case senerios, equipment and more. to join my free school read on...
So You Think You Can Shoot? & Equipment

so you think you can shoot? well to get into my school you have to have won atleast 3 team battles and 3 1 on 1's. click hereif you havent. now then there many requirements for being an airsoft sniper but the most inportant is the gear. without it you would get hurt and shot even more then the pain hurts. the gear youll need is:
1)a airsoft sniper
2)a airsoft pistle
3)extra bottle of ammo
4)airsoft dust grenades(unarmed)
5)airsoft dust grenade(armed)
6)nature looking suit
7)the ability it make a natural bunker with you in it
8)required gear for normal airsoft
now i'll tell you how and what youll use this for(i'll put the number that the gear is behind then ill put the useage)
1)for snipeing
2)for emergancy close corters
3)incase normal bottle runs out
4)for a quick getaway
5)grenade launcher usage(DO NOT THROW DUST GRENADE)
6)for undetectid snipering
7)for a "stay at post protection" mission
8)because you have to or youll get hurt BAD
if you have all this...
CONGATULATIONS! you've just finished you first snipering lesson. if you had any trouble wondering where to get this go to the last step.
1)a airsoft sniper
2)a airsoft pistle
3)extra bottle of ammo
4)airsoft dust grenades(unarmed)
5)airsoft dust grenade(armed)
6)nature looking suit
7)the ability it make a natural bunker with you in it
8)required gear for normal airsoft
now i'll tell you how and what youll use this for(i'll put the number that the gear is behind then ill put the useage)
1)for snipeing
2)for emergancy close corters
3)incase normal bottle runs out
4)for a quick getaway
5)grenade launcher usage(DO NOT THROW DUST GRENADE)
6)for undetectid snipering
7)for a "stay at post protection" mission
8)because you have to or youll get hurt BAD
if you have all this...
CONGATULATIONS! you've just finished you first snipering lesson. if you had any trouble wondering where to get this go to the last step.
Target Practice & Worst Case Senarios

welcome to the next class: lvl 2 here youll learn how to get out of worst case senarios and youll get target practice. lets go to practice. well i would print out the target and shoot at it. you may proceed to the next class when you get 1 bull eyesa .thats all this class has to offer in the art of target practice. now to...
WORST CASE SENARIOS! there will be 3 senerios. answer atleast 3 right and you can go to the next class.
1) your battleing in the woods and your low on ammo. enemys are aproching you. you dont have that much ammo to get to your flag and you have the opponets flag. you only have about 13 shots on semi to get to ammo supplier.what do you do?
b)get your natuale suit on and crawl acrocc the feild
c) shoot at enemys
2)youre in a junkyard fighting. an enemy chases you into a small buiding. you have no grenades and you have low ammo.your flag that is protected by your ammo supplier and rifle man is just over the hill. theres a back door leading to that hill but your pistle or sniper cant have a rapid fire so fast it'll save your butt if some enemys are at that back door.there pens,mecanicle penciles,penciles,clay,rubberbands,paint and paper.
what do you do?
a)draw a picture of you and put it on the back door and open it
b) make a gun out of some stuff
c) go out anyways
3)your battleing in a swamp. you have no ammo and you have to get across to your flag. theres a swamp that you can go across but a small canal that even with a natural suit you'd get shot. and the to land ways are blocked by enemy soilders. and theres hollow sticks that you can breath throw what do you do?
a) surrender
b) make a breathing tube and put moss from the water on it so it looks like floating moss
c)go throw gaurds in your natual suit.
if you completed the requirments...
CONGRADULATION! you can go to the next lvl...
WORST CASE SENARIOS! there will be 3 senerios. answer atleast 3 right and you can go to the next class.
1) your battleing in the woods and your low on ammo. enemys are aproching you. you dont have that much ammo to get to your flag and you have the opponets flag. you only have about 13 shots on semi to get to ammo supplier.what do you do?
b)get your natuale suit on and crawl acrocc the feild
c) shoot at enemys
2)youre in a junkyard fighting. an enemy chases you into a small buiding. you have no grenades and you have low ammo.your flag that is protected by your ammo supplier and rifle man is just over the hill. theres a back door leading to that hill but your pistle or sniper cant have a rapid fire so fast it'll save your butt if some enemys are at that back door.there pens,mecanicle penciles,penciles,clay,rubberbands,paint and paper.
what do you do?
a)draw a picture of you and put it on the back door and open it
b) make a gun out of some stuff
c) go out anyways
3)your battleing in a swamp. you have no ammo and you have to get across to your flag. theres a swamp that you can go across but a small canal that even with a natural suit you'd get shot. and the to land ways are blocked by enemy soilders. and theres hollow sticks that you can breath throw what do you do?
a) surrender
b) make a breathing tube and put moss from the water on it so it looks like floating moss
c)go throw gaurds in your natual suit.
if you completed the requirments...
CONGRADULATION! you can go to the next lvl...
Gear Usage and How It Works & Before You Go On

welcome to class lvl 3: youll learn how some things work and youll have to read this one little note to go on. well lets learn how the dust bomb works. heres how: when you pull thee string a small explosine hapens and bakeing soda flys evrywhere. itll keep the enemy in pain untill 30 seconds when you run away. if you wana learn how to make one bombs/ click here well thats all for the learn session. now to the note.
can you handle the pain of being shot? can you handle shooting someone else? can you put someone in pain? can you steal from the enemys(the flag)? can you hurt someone else to win a game? if the answer is yes to all the questins then...
can you handle the pain of being shot? can you handle shooting someone else? can you put someone in pain? can you steal from the enemys(the flag)? can you hurt someone else to win a game? if the answer is yes to all the questins then...
The Graduatetion Test!

heres a test that if you fail you cant proceed as a sniper.
1) how do you use both armed and dissarmed dust grenades?
2) what are the awnsers to the worst senerois(letters)
3) is it a safe idea to run out in the open when an enemy may be right by the door?
4) name 5 items that you have to have durring a battle.
5) what other position did this class mention other than sniper?
when thouse are answer right then you may go to the next step.
1) how do you use both armed and dissarmed dust grenades?
2) what are the awnsers to the worst senerois(letters)
3) is it a safe idea to run out in the open when an enemy may be right by the door?
4) name 5 items that you have to have durring a battle.
5) what other position did this class mention other than sniper?
when thouse are answer right then you may go to the next step.

CONGRATS! youve completed baisic sniper school. print out your degree and sign! then youll officiley out of the sniper in training rank! good job students.
Help & Credits

if your reading this you probly didt graduate from sniper school because you didnt unmderstand it. comment your questin and ill answer it.
youtube, build your very own airsoft gun:, bombs "dust bomb"
youtube, build your very own airsoft gun:, bombs "dust bomb"