
'The "aud_mod" (audio module), a compact self contained low-tech synth utilizing the 555 timer & LM348 chip, provides all that have an interest in Noise Music and Fashion Accessories the freedom to produce synth sounds individually or as a group via the aud_mod's connectivity with other aud_mods and interchangeable audio input manipulators such as an array of potentiometers and push button switches.
Different combinations of connected aud_mods produce different sound effects as well as promote collaborative interaction among fellow peers. The "aud_mod" is simple in its unconventional design incorporating a mixture of glass cases, compacts, and cosmetic containers to achieve true modulation.
Different combinations of connected aud_mods produce different sound effects as well as promote collaborative interaction among fellow peers. The "aud_mod" is simple in its unconventional design incorporating a mixture of glass cases, compacts, and cosmetic containers to achieve true modulation.