Airsoft Back Stop

by i make shooting things in Outside > Launchers

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Airsoft Back Stop

bb backstop 001.jpg
bb backstop 004.jpg
bb backstop 007.jpg
bb backstop 045.jpg
bb backstop 047.jpg
bb backstop 048.jpg
I just got a airsoft gun but i have no where to shoot it safely so i built my own back top to stop and catch the airsoft bb's i have only used this with a cheep spring powered pistole, 275fps this should work on bb guns up to 400fps using .12g bbs however i have not used a higher powered gun on my back stop. your results may vary
update i have made a much much smaller/better backstop instructable coming soon update
this instructable is an example for your own back stop your back stop will be unique so be careful when first testing expect ricochet always use eye protection.

build this:
in a safe area away from valuables breakables and stuff you dont want holes in
where people arent walking about on a daily basis ie. kitchen living room tv room ect.
Your bedroom could be used if you have enough room and dont have breakables

I have had no collateral damage from using my back stop so far this dosnt mean you wont .Instructables header

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I just got a airsoft gun but i have no where to shoot it safely so i built my own back top to stop and catch the airsoft bb's i have only used this with a cheep spring powered pistole, 275fps this should work on bb guns up to 400fps using .12g bbs however i have not used a higher powered gun on my back stop. your results may vary this instructable is an example for your own back stop your back stop will be unique so be careful when first testing expect ricochet always use eye protection. build this: in a safe area away from valuables breakables and stuff you dont want holes in where people arent walking about on a daily basis ie. kitchen living room tv room ect. Your bedroom could be used if you have enough room and dont have breakables I have had no collateral damage from using my back stop so far this dosnt mean you wont . in video i reload 3 times and several times i shoot off target to show that its stoping the rounds
now that all the boring safety crap has been said we can begin ;D
560x420 : FUZPPT0F52SMQ8M (4)
i make shooting things
back stop
i make shooting things
thing holding up target
i make shooting things
this is my original backstop (not one in instructable)
i make shooting things
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in video i reload 3 times and several times i shoot off target to show that its stoping the rounds

now that all the boring safety crap has been said we can begin ;D

Get the Stuff You Need, and Understand How It Works

bb backstop 004.jpg
bb backstop 002.jpg
bb backstop 007.jpg
bb backstop 006.jpg
bb backstop 024.jpg
bb backstop 029.jpg
for this instructable you need
tape, duct and scotch several grocery bags (these will be the stoping force of the backstop dont belive read on)a old bed sheet (secondary backstop, if you miss or if it goes through)paper folderpaper target

if you have carpet you could just have a large piece of card board instead of the blanket

this works on a simple proses of trapping and absorbing the low density plastic bb's if you dont this this will stop bbs take a bag fill it with 3-5 other bags go out side set down bag back up and shoot it all the bbs should be stopped and will be ether inside bag or will lightly bounce off and will be on ground.

the bed sheet is gona catch the ones that bounce off or if your a horrible shot will stop them too (they might bounce around after they hit bed sheet but they will have slowed down a lot

Create the Blanket Back Stop

bb backstop 001.jpg
bb backstop 007.jpg
bb backstop 019.jpg
bb backstop 018.jpg
bb backstop 014.jpg
bb backstop 015.jpg
bb backstop 009.jpg
this step is the hardest because i can not help you. your back stop will be differant from mine cause you didnt not build it in my storage room (possible great place to build one if you have one long and narrow mines 30 feet long theirs about 10 feet behind the back stop you cant see in most photos )

this is hard to exsplane so look at the pictures if you get confused
1now you want to have the blanket run from the top of celling down but not to the ground
2 you what to have the blank cover the sides.
3have the end of the blanket bank up
4it the part that slops up has to be kinda forward to so that it catches the ones that fall

Build Bag of Bags

bb backstop 024.jpg
bb backstop 025.jpg
bb backstop 026.jpg
bb backstop 027.jpg
bb backstop 028.jpg
this is simple get a couple bags stuff them in one bag see pic on how to tie/twist shut

Set Up Folder and Test

bb backstop 031.jpg
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bb backstop 033.jpg
bb backstop 032.jpg
bb backstop 035.jpg
bb backstop 036.jpg
bb backstop 039.jpg
bb backstop 040.jpg
tape folder so it hangs down about 1.5 feet from front of backstop, (look at pics)

then tape bag so it hangs on the back of folder (look at pics)

test. dont put up target yet, step back and fire just 1 round and see if it bounces, ricochetes, absorbs, or goes strait through (if it goes strait through fill bag with more bags and try again if it still goes thought then ur gun is to powerful) if it bonces that ok as long as it lands on the blanket and rolls where all the other bbs are.

remember this instructable is an example on how to build one of your own. yours will look different but should stop and collect bbs

How to Put Up Target/maintenance

bb backstop 041.jpg
bb backstop 043.jpg
the target should hang down so the bullseye is just slightly below folder, or in center of bag

at the end of day you should take the bag off , open it up shake out each bag inside, this way you can keep the bbs that penetrate the bag. then just put bags bag in bag tie it up again and tape it up. good as new