Zombie Defense Table

by BrittLiv in Workshop > Furniture

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Zombie Defense Table

In this tutorial I’m going to show you, how to make a table, that will help you in the next zombie invasion. I had the idea to turn a baseball bat into a table quite some time ago, but was lacking the time to realize it. So after a bit of research, I found this amazing table, by James McAdam and immediately decided to make it.

In this video you can see how it basically works:

Have fun building it and make sure, to aim for the brain.

Stuff You Need

    • Wooden baseball bat
    • Wooden pole (about 8 mm diameter)
    • Wood: I used 1.5 cm plywood and 8 mm MDF, because I had it lying around. I used a 32x45 cm piece of each and two 20x15 cm pieces of the plywood.
    • 20 mm screws
    • an old inner bike tube (or any type of thick fabric)
    • sanding paper
    • primer, paint and paintbrush
    • wood filler
    • wood glue
    • clamps
    • circle
    • sander
    • drill
    • scroll saw
    • eye and mouth protection
    • table saw (if you get the pieces precut you won’t need it)

Time to Start

I started with the table plate, which wasn't such a good idea. So I suggest you start with the foot.

The top and bottom of my baseball plate were rounded, so I cut of about 3mm of both sides. Make sure, that the cuts are straight. Mark the centre on one of your smaller pieces and draw a circle that is about one mm bigger than the bottom part of your bat. I didn't have a drill bit, that was big enough, that's why I used a scroll saw to cut the hole.
Glue the second small piece of wood to the one with the hole, as shown in the third picture. I used a table leg, to secure the baseball bat. Put the pieces on top of the bat, as shown in the forth picture (do not centre it, push it to one side and then drill a hole through the pieces into the baseball bat).
Stick the wooden pole through the hole and cut it to the correct length. Afterwards, widen the hole in the baseball bat, so that it slides easily on and off (but not too much, or your construction will be loose).
As you can see in the pictures, I left the pin a bit longer, so that it sticks out the base plate. If that makes you nervous, either add an other layer of plywood, or shorten th pin it.

Making the Table Plate

Mark the centre on both sides of one of the bigger plywood piece and draw a circle, the same size as the top of your baseball bat. Lay it on top of your construction, align it and make sure, that it is straight.
Drill at least two holes through the plate into the baseball bat and widen the holes in the table plate a bit. Stick the wooden pole through it, glue it in place and cut it to the correct length.
Glue the two bigger pieces together and draw your wished shield shape onto it. I decided, to make my shield not round, so that it would use up less space in my bedroom.

Priming, Painting and Attaching the Handle

Start by filling the pieces with wood filler, to mask irregularities. Sand all the pieces and prime them at least once, to get a nice and even paint job. Finally paint the pieces.

I used screws, to attach the handle, as shown in the third picture. Start by measuring, how long the pieces have to be, then cut them to the correct size. You can also use drawer handles, if you can find some, that fit.

Congratulations, you are done!