Zombie Apocalypse Axe the ZomBat
by SurvivalCentral in Outside > Survival
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Zombie Apocalypse Axe the ZomBat

What do you get when you cross ice skating with baseball? You get an Ultimate Apocalyptic Axe. What I would like to call The ZomBat.
This project is perfect for if you are in the apocalypse and need a weapon or an axe.
All parts are recycled and can be made without power tools.
Whether you have the parts lying around or get them from yard sales or thrift store, make one today and get ready for the coming Apocalypse!
#Zombie, #ZombieApocalypse, #ApocalypseWeapons, #PrepperExtreme, #ZombieSurvivalShop
Gather Materials and Tools

What you will need.
1 Ice Skate
1 Baseball Bat
Clamp or Vice
Remove Blade From Ice Skate

Remove blade from Ice Skate keeping the screws to attach blade to bat.
Hammer Blade Base

Hammer blade base to match the contour of the Bat
use a clap or vice to hold blade in place while hammering into shape.
Periodically check the contour of the base to the bat. The more precise the contour match the better the blade will attach to the Bat.
Screw Blade to Bat

Screw skate blade to the bat using the screws you removed from the skate in the second step.
Your Figure or Skate Bat Is Done. Go Take Out Some Zombies or Cut Down a Tree

Your Figure or Skate Bat is Done. Go Take Out Some Zombies Or Cut Down A Tree
You Awesome Apocalyptic Ax is now done and ready to save your life in the coming apocalypse.