ZX80 Revisited With ESP8266 Program Loader

by rrollins72 in Circuits > Computers

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ZX80 Revisited With ESP8266 Program Loader


ZX80 Computer revisited and adding program loading capability with an ESP8266 (ZXBrowser)

Getting the ZX80 Working

I had a ZX80 computer in one of my storage boxes from long ago and decided I would see if it worked. After a couple minor fixes that were needed I had it running. Then I built up a RAM expansion board and a ROM expansion for utilizing a ZX81 8K ROM image if I wanted to. (See http://searle.x10host.com/zx80/zx80.html for a good overview). I added a reset switch to the RAM expansion board which is very useful. I also powered the ZX80 with a 5V wall power supply that his hooked up to the RAM expansion board, so the internal power supply regulator is bypassed.

Video Out Issue


The original TV modulator was not functioning, and I didn’t have any TV's that would work anyway, so I added the ‘back-porch’ circuit for a more standard video output that I could use with a regular monitor. (See http://www.fruitcake.plus.com/Sinclair/ZX80/VideoGeneration/ZX80_BackPorchGeneration.htm for a good explanation of the need for this circuit).

There were several different circuits that I looked at, but I liked this one (and I had a 7408 in my old parts drawer..). I did add a 1K resistor to ground at the base of the driver transistor. This moves the signal level slightly and is closer to standard video. I built it and put it inside the modulator box.

Video Output


I found this circuit worked well with the flat screen TVs with analog video input, and with a video-to-HDMI adapter that I had so I could use an HDMI monitor.

Clear Video


A picture showing the display through the HDMI adapter to a monitor with Paul Farrow’s PacMan running.

Program Loading Problems


After getting the hardware working I kept having a LOT of problems with loading software. I had just a couple .wav files to try and they failed nearly all the time.

Most programs are saved as bit images in .o or .p files. I found a program to convert the file to audio, or to create a .wav file from the image file, for output from a PC to the ZX80 cassette input. The output from my test laptop or my basic USB audio adapter plugged into my test laptop, was not nearly enough to drive the cassette input. Looking at the circuit and tracing components on the ZX80 told me why. Not sufficient drive to the 74LS365 (IC10) in the ZX80 to receive any data. The 74LS365 needs at least 2.0V for a guaranteed high input with a 5V supply. I am getting less than 1.5V (see image). This is too low. I wondered about that.

Cassette Input Circuit


Most of the ZX80 schematics I found look like this circuit, with just 47nF coupling capacitor and a 1KΩ to ground.

My ZX80 Input


This circuit is what mine looked like (with some additional components added by the manufacturer). The addition of the 180Ω resistor and 100pf cap were added to give a lower input impedance and to provide a little filtering for tape recorder/player outputs. That meant that the drive to this circuit would need to develop over 2V across the input resistor (180Ω ) to give an input large enough for the 74LS365 (IC10) to receive reliably. I needed at a minimum a small power amplifier to hook to the output of the laptop or USB adapter, or another approach.

Program File Considerations

I also wanted to have a simple way to access files that I might want to load into the ZX80. Storing them on the laptop is easy, but they have to be output to the analog output with a special program that converts the digital image to analog, or to a .wav file (which can be very large since the data rate is so slow). So having a small dedicated storage capability with data conversion would be very nice.

Having played with the ESP8266 a little, and having played with the FSBrowser example (see https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/tree/master/libraries/ESP8266WebServer/examples/FSBrowser). I decided I would use this as a basis for what I wanted to do next.

What I Want

  1. Store all the ZX80 programs in the ESP8266 file space (they are very small, and I don’t have a lot)
    • There is more than 3Mbyte of space available on ESP8266 module I am using. This could easily be sufficient storage for a couple hundred ZX80 programs.
  2. Programs can be stored in native binary .o, .80, .p, .81 or .p81 format
  3. Program the ESP8266 to create an ideal output that duplicates the cassette output
  4. Drive the cassette input to the ZX80 with a simple FET switch and a convenient power source to give sufficient drive voltage

I had a couple Wemos D1 clone parts that I had been playing with, so I decided to use that as my processing base. (Search Amazon for ‘d1 mini esp8266’ for several vendors).

Circuit Basics


The ZX80 is a 5V TTL based unit. The D1 mini I am using is a 3.3V device, with a capability for using 5V input power (coming from the USB or on a pin on the board). To drive the ZX80 cleanly, I will need to develop at least 3V into the cassette input. I decided the easiest way to do this is to use the 5V USB power for the driver circuit, and run the D1 mini with a standard 5V input from a power brick. The 3.3V data output from the D1 mini will drive a MOSFET (2N7000) and it will switch the 5V source across a resistor. I will isolate the output to the ZX80 with a 10uF capacitor. The image shows the circuit that I came up with.

Please note that the 120Ω resistor is needed to drive the input to approximately 3V. If you don’t have the 180Ω resistor on the ZX cassette input (the ZX81 has a 220Ω from what I have seen, and the 120Ω is still fine), you could adjust this value. A 470Ω should work fine if there is no 180Ω input resistor to ground.

Output From Driver


This is a pretty basic circuit, but it will generate a very reliable signal at the cassette input. The image shows what the input to the 74LS365 looks like with this circuit driving the cassette input. (This is a binary 1 signal set).

Setting Up the Arduino IDE for ESP8266

I had previously modified my Arduino IDE to work with the ESP8266. There are some very detailed tutorials on how to set this up. Here is a good link for learning basics of the 8266:


And another:


There is plenty of general information in those links to get the ESP8266 working in the Arduino IDE. It won’t be covered any further here.

Some Software Considerations

The basic FSBrowser code makes the ESP8266 into a small webserver with access to the file system on the ESP8266. It provides capability to view the files and to edit them if desired. This means that you can access the files on the ESP8266 with your favorite browser and a knowledge of the IP address that is acquired by the ESP8266 from your WiFI router when the system is initialized. I have not chosen to run this with a web manager module, so the SSID and key are hard coded in the sketch. You will need to build the code in the Arduino IDE with your SSID and key. I also opted to use the SPIFFS file system for this implementation. These can be changed if you are of a mind to make it more robust.

ZX80 (and ZX81) Data Input and Output

The ZX80 with the 4K ROM has a LOAD and SAVE command to use the cassette tape output and input. There are no file name parameters, so the data that is output and input are bit images of the data in memory. With an 8K ROM installed, the file structure has the capability for names. Here is a link that has a good summary of the cassette signals: https://problemkaputt.de/zxdocs.htm. Here is the section from that web site for file structure and signaling:


ZX81 Cassette File Structure

x seconds your voice, saying "filename" (optional)

x seconds video noise

5 seconds silence (only some clock cycles required for ZX81)

1-127 bytes filename (bit7 set in last char)

LEN bytes data, loaded to address 4009h, LEN=(4014h)-4009h.

1 pulse video retrace signal (only if display was enabled)

x seconds silence / video noise

The data field contains the system area, the basic program, the video memory, and VARS area.

ZX80 Cassette File Structure

x seconds your voice, saying "filename" (optional)

x seconds video noise

5 seconds silence (at least 0.5 seconds REQUIRED for ZX80)

LEN bytes data, loaded to address 4000h, LEN=(400Ah)-4000h.

x seconds silence / video noise

ZX80 files do not have filenames, and video memory is not included in the file.

File End

For both ZX80 and ZX81 the file end is calculated as shown above. In either case, the last byte of a (clean) file should be 80h (ie. the last byte of the VARS area), not followed by any further signals except eventually video noise.

Bits and Bytes

Each byte consists of 8 bits (MSB first) without any start and stop bits, directly followed by the next byte. A "0" bit consists of four high pulses, a "1" bit of nine pulses, either one followed by a silence period.

0: /\/\/\/\________

1: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\________

Each pulse is split into a 150us High period, and 150us Low period. The duration of the silence between each bit is 1300us. The baud rate is thus 400 bps (for a "0" filled area) downto 250 bps (for a "1" filled area). Average medium transfer rate is approx. 307 bps (38 bytes/sec) for files that contain 50% of "0" and "1" bits each.


ESP8266 Code

The ESP8266 will need to read a file from the file system, returning each byte (with low address bytes first), and then the data will be shifted out bit wise starting with the most significant bit of the byte. The output from the ESP8266 will be as described for 0 and 1 bits. 4-pulses 150us high, 150us low with 1300us after last low period for a 0 bit, 9-pulses 150us high, 150us low with 1300us after last low period for a 1 bit.

I added a file read and data send routines for the pulsed bit output to the basic FSBrowser code, and also modified the file read routine so that the byte send function is called for each byte read from the file. I also added handling for the ZX80 file types. This code is nothing fancy, but it does work nicely. Please see the sketch for details on the code structure.

I also had to make a few very basic modifications to the JavaScript code to accept the various ZX80 file types. This is in the edit.htm file that is loaded into the ESP8266 data space.

Note that FSBrowser uses the Ace.js text editor in edit.htm, so it requires internet access from the router that assigns the IP address to be fully capable. Without internet access it will default to a very basic text mode.

Building and Using the ZXBrowser Code


Start with setting up the Arduino IDE to build the FSBrowser code. The FSBrowser link and the other links shown give a pretty good overview of what is required to get the ESP8266 loaded and running. Once functioning on the ESP8266, building the ZXBrowser should be straight forward. The sketch and other files (in the data directory) can be found at this link:


The image is a screen shot of the functioning code. To load a file you just have to click on it on the directory listing to the left and it will begin sending data to the ZX80. If you want to upload a new file, you click the upload button and select the file you want on your PC and it will upload to the 8266 file-space and then it will begin sending the data to the ZX80. (Note that if you download a file to the PC, it will also kick off a load to the ZX80).

NOTE: When a data load to the ZX80 is in process, the Wifi capabilities are put on hold, so the browser will cease to respond. It will return to normal operation once the file send is complete. This can take a while, so be patient.

I have included in the data directory (which is uploaded to the 8266 with the Arduino IDE) a zx directory which has a selection of 4K ZX80 programs and 8K ZX80 programs. I have also included a zxb directory that is a web page describing the effort.

Building the Hardware


The hardware for the ZX-Browser driver circuit is built with

these components:

1-ESP8266 board (Wemos D1 mini)

1-10K resistor

1-1K resistor (only if you want a connected indicator)

1-green LED (only if you want a connected indicator)

1-2N7000 MOSFET transistor

1-120Ω 1/8 watt resistor

1-10uF 6.3V electrolytic capacitor

1-.1uF 25V ceramic capacitor (optional)

1-3.5mm audio jack (female socket)

A 30mm wide prototype board for mounting the components. The PCB is cut to 52mm in length.

Small Case


I put the hardware in a small 3D printed case. I included the file for the case that I used.


The Whole System and Conclusion


Some images of the ZX80 with the ESP8266 hardware. The whole system running the MAZOG game.

With the ZX80 fully functioning and having the ability to load a program using a browser to select the file makes this approach nicely versatile and dependable. It still takes a while to load up files that are pushing 16K, but that is how it has always been with this beast. I am pleased with how this all came together.