You Can Learn Morse Code Easily
by waynesmat in Circuits > Arduino
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You Can Learn Morse Code Easily

Want to learn Morse Code? This project is designed for beginners who want to become amateur radio enthusiasts and can help you learn the morse code for each alphabet. However, if you are intermediate on using morse code, this project won't help you as much as beginners.
This project will randomly play a morse code alphabet and you will have to tell which alphabet is that. If you get it right, your streak increases by 1. However, if you get it wrong, your streak sets back to 0, and the LCD screen will show the correct answer. You can always quit the game and your streak will be saved.
One thing to note is that this project can also be used by people who are hearing impaired and also want to understand morse code. You can look at the light blinking and tell the alphabet.
Click this to look at the morse code for each alphabets
- 1 Leonardo Arduino Board
- 1 breadboard
- 3 buttons
- 3 10kΩ resistor
- 1 LCD 16x2 screen with I2C interface
- 1 Buzzer
- 1 Full Color LED
- Wires
- Cardboards
- Hot Melt Glue
- Tape
- Utility kinfe
The Circuit

Build the circuit like the picture above.
- Red Wires are connected to VCC.
- Black Wires are connected to GND.
- Brown Wire is connected to D2.
- Grey Wire is connected to D3.
- Purple Wire is connected to D4.
- Green Wire is connected to D5.
- Yellow Wire is connected to D6.
- Pink Wire is connected to D11.
- Orange Wire is connected to D13.
- Brown Wire can also be connected to SDA.
- Grey Wire connected to D3 can also be connected to SCL.
- The 3 resistors for the buttons are 10kΩ resistors.
- There is a full-color LED at the bottom of the diagram.
Building - 1

- Take a 13 * 26 cardboard and hold it vertically
- Draw a 7*2.4 rectangle with a 3.8 cm from the top
- Draw a radius 2mm circle 1.1 cm below the rectangle
- Draw a radius 1.45cm circle 2.3 cm below the small circle
- Draw a radius 1.45cm circle 2.6 cm below from the circle in step 4
- Draw a radius 1.45cm circle 2.6 cm below from the circle in step 5
Building - 2

Take a utility knife and cut the lines you have drawn on the previous step.
After cutting, you should have cardboard like the one in the picture above.
Building - 3

- Attach the LCD screen on the rectangle hold on the cardboard.
- Attach the full color LED on the smaller hole.
- Attach 3 buttons on the 3 bigger holes.
- Use a tape to stick tighter if necessary.
Building - 4

Build a box (length: 26cm, width: 13cm, height: 11cm) with 4 sides using cardboard. Use a hot melt glue to stick the sides together.
Building - 5

Put the circuit inside the box. Put the cardboard on top of the box and use tape to stick it together.

Before you start programming, make sure you install the LCD Library here or using the direct download link.
Copy and paste the code onto Arduino and upload the code to Arduino Leonard Board.
And Then, Its Done!

This is the link to the actual project.
How to use it:
- The top button is to move the alphabet backward & No (for the "do you want to play again" question)
- The middle button is the start button& confirm button & Yes (for the "do you want to play again" question).
- The bottom button is to move the alphabet forward