XR2206 Function Generator Kit
by Ramatronics Laboratory in Circuits > Electronics
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XR2206 Function Generator Kit

Every electronics laboratory requires some testing instruments to test the operation of devices used in a circuit to perform some particular task's. Function generator is one of them. Function generator is a most important instrument of electronic and electrical laboratories. It is used for generating signals that have different shapes and frequencies. Now a days more advanced function generators have been developed by companies. The cost of these advanced function generators is also very high so everyone is not able to purchase them like me. But now a days some cheaper function generator that have only few features are available in the market as DIY kits. XR2206 is one of them. The XR2206 has following features:
- Low cost
- Small in size
- Wide frequency range(1Hz - 1MHz).
- It can generate sine, triangle and square wave signals.
- It requires a 9V DC power supply.
- Adjustable amplitude(not possible for square wave output).
- frequency can be adjusted by fine and coarse knobs.
- frequency range can be selected by a jumper.
You can purchase a DIY kit of XR2206 function generator or you can also purchase a pre assembled kit.
Robu in
Amazon(DIY Kit)
Amazon(Assembled Kit)
Fix the Circuit Inside the Acrylic Case







To fix the XR2206 PCB board inside the acrylic case, you can take the help of given images in this step.
User Manual

You can get all the information about the PCB and components in the user manual. The schematic diagram of the kit is also given in the user manual. I have also designed an external schematic diagram of this kit in EasyEDA. The pdf of schematic is given below
Testing the Kit





We can easily test the output of XR2206 kit with the help of DSO138 Oscilloscope kit. Just connect the 9V DC supply to the function generator kit and also connect three male-to-male jumper wire to the screw terminal and tight them with a screwdriver.
I have connected the black jumper to GND, Yellow jumper to square wave output and green jumper to sine/triangle output.
Testing Video of Kit

PCB of XR2206 KIT