Ws2811 LED Display
how to build your own led display by led Strips ws2811b
Thing you need
you need nearly 40m.
3-some of wire
4-power supply 40a 5v
5-piece of wood or flexible Curtain
I used caboon.
6- shrink
I used 51x40 will become 2040 rgb led ws2811 that mean use every port 1020+1020 i want to make 1024+1024
64x32 but i have to do this to put in my workshop in crtical size
stick all strip but you have to attention to (data in) and (data out) in strip
now you must solder ground to ground and positive to positive and make sure you don't wrong with data input and out i search in the internet to schematic for wiring ws2811 but i don't find it i make simple circuit look to image
set program like image and write what you want load image video like you want
we done