Wrecked Vehicle Markers
by HandsomeCptAngusMcDathinEsq in Living > Toys & Games
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Wrecked Vehicle Markers

These quick and easy little effects will bring an extra level of cool to your wargaming table.
Prep the Light

Grab a few battery powered LED tea lights. These are pretty cheap and you can buy them in bulk. I got mine at a craft store for a few bucks.
Remove the plastic flame piece to expose the bulb. mine just popped off, but depending on brand you may need to cut them.

Get some white foam batting like this decorative snow blanket. There is enough material in this bag to keep me in effects for a lifetime.
Measure enough to go comfortably go around the base of the light and cut it to 4-6 inches tall. I just measure with my hand.
Putting It Together

The snow blanket I used was 2 distinct layers. Pull these apart. you want as much light as possible to get through the material.
Glue the material to the base of the light. Remember the seam. You can use whatever glue you like. I used regular old Elmer's.
Paint and Pull

Lightly paint the outside and top of the effect with flat black spray paint. You want to coat it, but still be able to see white through the paint.
Once the paint is dry gently pull and shape the foam until you get the shape and constancy you desire.

Scatter these over your wargaming table as terrain or for ambiance. Or, as the name indicates, use them to denote destroyed and wrecked vehicles.