Wreath and Tree Ornaments With Detachable Flowers

by Penolopy Bulnick in Living > Christmas

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Wreath and Tree Ornaments With Detachable Flowers

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I was inspired by the LEGO flower to make some fun wreath and Christmas tree ornaments with pegs for detachable and rearrangeable flowers.

While my plan was originally to be like the LEGO flower design, as you can see, they didn't end up looking much like the LEGO flowers. I found the cylinder pegs too fragile and wanted to have fun with the designs. So, in the end, I give you a geometric cubic wreath with detachable flowers, and a fun tree kit that has detachable flowers as well!

Check out my shop on Etsy! You can also purchase these ornaments on Etsy.

Instructable 355


  • Tinkercad
  • 3D Printer - I have a Prusa MK3
  • Filament - I used a Pine Green for the base and then a variety of colors for the flowers. Let me know if you want to know about a specific one.
  • Ornament Hooks or String for hanging

*Any Amazon Links are Associate Links.

STL Files

Here is a collection of all the STL files.

Design Time! Wreath

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I created these designs using Tinkercad.

For the wreath, I started with a simple TUBE for two reasons. 1) to ensure I kept my shape like a wreath and 2) to ensure I didn't have gaps that could cause problems in printing.

I knew ahead of time that I was going to (attempt to) sell these in my Etsy shop so I planned the size to fit inside a 3.5" by 3.5" by 1" box I already had. And, this IS a decent size for an ornament. So, the tube I started with was 62.34cm by 62.34cm by 2.83cm.

Once I had the cube, I pulled out a CUBE and just rotated it a bit. (Though similar too) Unlike with my geometric cubic necklace, I rotated the cubes so the edges would face up and not the corner points. I really just kind of picked a random size for the cube (though I went for not too big, not too small) and then just did more copying, rotating, and copying until I was happy.

As you can see, some of the original TUBE is visible which is why I want it there, to catch any small gaps. I did rearrange cubes until most of it was covered, but I also didn't want the cubes to be too crowded.

Flower Pegs

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As I mentioned briefly, I found cylinders too fragile during my tests. So, instead of that, I went with a FLOWER (from the Shapes Generators Section of the Shapes Panel) shaped peg as it had more strength and also added a nice look to the flowers.

I did tests with the peg (and the flower I'll talk about in the next step) and came up with a tapered shape I liked. I wanted the flowers to wedge on and not slide all the way to the base. I wanted them to be able to stay on their own if hung on the tree or in a window, but also come off.

Once I had the shape, I put copied and put them randomly on the wreath. Without trying to, I ended up with an even 20!

With those in place, I took a hole CUBE and cut off the base to keep it flat and easier to print.

I added a flower shaped loop on the top for hanging.

Wreath is done!


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For the flower, I actually just used cylinders grouped together. I added a second layer to the flower for depth and just to give it a little something extra.

Then I used a cutout flower shape that I messed around with earlier to cut out the center.

Design Time! Tree

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For the tree, I started by making the base. I used my Creeper Christmas Tree kit as a guide on size.

I made the layers up of elongated cones on top of cylinders. I used the cylinder bases because I wanted to print a strong base before the layers started shrinking.

I used the DUPLICATE function and made it smaller and continued to hit duplicate until I had 7 layers. I made all the layers the same height.

I experimented with connection points and ended up just doing cylinder cutouts on the bottom of each layer and a cylinder on top. I made them fairly big to give a strong connection between the layers.

Then I added the pegs I designed earlier. I experimented a lot with prints here too. I wanted you to be able to put the flowers on even if the branches were stacked on top of each other and glued together. But I also didn't want the flowers to slip all the way down to the branch. Eventually I got it just the way I wanted it and made it work for all the different layer sizes.

I stacked them up and made sure the height was the way I wanted it.

After printing, I decided it needed a base, so I used the FLOWER from the Shapes Generator section and made two of them with one with slightly shorter petals than the other to give it a little something.

I added a star with a star cutout on the top for hanging on the tree.

And, done!

Printing Time

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These print fairly easily, actually, and don't really require special settings.

The only recommendation I have settings wise is if you have the option, set the Elephant Foot Compensation to .1. The Prusa Slicer has this option and it seemed to give it a good fit on the bottom.

Finished Wreath

Wreath with flowers.jpg
Wreath Kit.jpg
holding wreath.jpg
Wreath with two tone.jpg
Black and white wreath.jpg
3 wreaths flat.jpg

If you want to do something extra, try printing the flowers so they have one color for the base, and a second color for the second row of petals.

I played around with some different wreath colors and flower colors.

Finished Tree

all pieces.jpg
zoom in of pieces.jpg
Start stacking.jpg
Holding random colors.jpg
top down.jpg
organized flowers.jpg

If you want to hang the tree on your tree, you'll need to glue the layers together. Hot glue, E6000, and even super glue should all work fine for this.