Working K'nex Car

by pwubax 18 in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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Working K'nex Car

photo-2013-07-26 10:46 PM.jpg

My Car

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A k'nex car that I started to build today it's Just a prototype so it isn't perfect


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Just a k'nex coaster (roller-coaster) motor so it doesn't go fast drives one set of wheels

Trailer Thingy at the End

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It's actually it's a weight so It go in reverse


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There legs that extend so i can work on the chassis

How It Works

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You might be wondering how does it work when you switch the motor on it turns the drive shaft that turns the wheels that turn forwards that turns the rest of the wheels

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What Is That Gear for

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Good question it for decoration ( so far ) if I get more gears and chain it will connect all the wheels

That's It That's All

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So that was my k'nex car the arcama car lander thingy ( not true name yet not sure what to call it ) thanks for looking at my car thank you and byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shoutout