Word Search SELFIE

With every child in the country adjusting to home learning, as an ART teacher of lower school, I am always trying to create activities for my students that are fun, engaging, and require minimal supplies. I came up with this Instructable "Word Search Selfie"
This is fun because it not only involves ART but also a bit of Language Arts.
All you need is a little imagination, PAPER and a pencil (of course if you want to enhance your work with other supplies that's fine too)

Start by drawing a simple grid on your paper (I spilled a bit of coffee on mine!)
Make enough sections so you can place each letter of your name across the page.

Under each letter of your name write words that begin with that letter.
Think of as many words as you can and perhaps a theme will arise for you like it did for me!
Draw Your SELFIE

Using the words you found create a composition incorporating as many as possible.
In my drawing things began to show up that I hadn't even thought of while compiling my list.
Sand Castle
Sail boat
Sea Shells
Short....as in Susan looks very SHORT that towel.
Have fun!