Wooden Pumking

A wooden pumpkin is a handcrafted decorative piece made from wood, shaped to resemble a traditional pumpkin. It often features carved details that highlight the natural wood grain, giving it a rustic, earthy charm. The design can be simple and smooth or intricately detailed, making it ideal for seasonal or autumn-themed decor, perfect for adding a touch of warmth to homes or outdoor displays. Some wooden pumpkins may be painted or stained in shades of orange, white, or natural wood tones, and they may also have accents like twine or metal leaves for added character

saw or mitersaw
wood - mine was 9.5 cm by 7.5 cm
Mesuring Clerance on Lathe

first i check the clerance of my lath so i know howmuch wood i can fit on my lathe
Mesuring Wood

now i have the clerance on my lathe i can start to mesure the 4 peces of wood up ready to be cut
Cutting the Wood Up

i now am going to cut the wood off to length you can use an miter saw or an handsaw for this opiration remember to use your ppe and dustextractor or dust mask.
Marking and Cutting More Wood

i used the existing pice of wood to mark up to my next one this is my patten now cut this pice of wood out on handsaw or mitersaw do this untill you have 4 pices of wood intotal
Mesuring Wood Up

now i have got the 4 pices of wood now i have mesureed up 25mm on each side of my wood to cut off on this step maynot be requered to fit on yore lathe
Cutting 25 MM of Each Block

cutting off the 25 mm on each block i did this on my table saw it can probibly be done on anbandsaw or handsaw or circular saw remeber ppe and dust extractor
Mesuring Wood Up After Cut

these are my new mesurment after cutting 25 mm of each block 15cm by 15 this can be diffrent depending on what size you want or what you can fit on your lathe.
Prep Planing Surface

now i am preparing for where the glue will be stiking to you can use an planer or sander depending on what you have got i mesured how thick the wood is so i only take an litle off
Setting Planer Up

here i used the mesurment from befor to set the planer up to the hight i wanted remeber ppe and dust extraction alway keep your hand away from cutting blade
Gluing Up

now the surface is planed we can start the glue up i used giriler glue i put glue on the 4 surfaces that will need to be glued and spread it out using an scraper spread it out evenly
Gluing It All Up

i clamped 2 bits of wood up then i appied glue to 1 side of the 2 then glued them up and then clamped all of them up together i waited for it to glue up for 24hr read intructions on your glue if used difrent
Prep for Lathe Turning

i manted the wood up on the lathe and tightend the endstock against the pice of wood and then i set the the tool handel about 3cm away from the wood then handturned the wood to see if it will hit the tool holder then set the speed of the lathe.
Turning the Part

remember ppe and dustextraction i done spindle turning then worked my way olong it and left an bit at the top of where the stalk gose to help look at some pumpking pitures thats what i did
Making the Stalk

and now you should have the pumking thx for following along you can experiment with diffrent wood i just had old seasond stuff