Wooden K'NEX
K'nex is great and wood is great
put the two together and you get really great!
Items & Tools Needed
- 7 1/2 in by 1 1/4 in piece of wood (mine was from part of a stake)
- a 4 in by 4 in square of wood
- a saw
- a 1 in hole saw
- a 7/8 in hole saw
- a belt sander
- find the middle vertically and mark it
- find the middle horizontally and mark it
- do this on all of the four sides
after a little incident involving my hand and the saw i finally found the perfect way to build it!
drill where the horizantal and vertical middles meet using the 1 in hole saw then use the 1 1/2 in hole saw and drill right above the other hole
Build the Rod
using the connector as a template mark the ends (see picture)
and use a belt sander to get the shape
From Some Mistakes Come Good Things!
i messed up on a few and found a way to make different connectors!
You Are Done!!
congrats you are done!
now go build something