Wood Spirit

Faux log carved wood spirit.
- PVC Pipes
- PVC Sheet
- Paper Mache
- All Purpose Adhesive
- Pencil
- Marker
- Hot Glue Gun
- Sandpaper
- White Cement
- Gloves
- Masking Tape
- Posters Colors(Brown, White, Black)
- Burnt Sienna (Optional, you can use blown poster color instead)
- Piece of Cloth
- Lacquer (to preserve the colors from moisture)
- Beige color oil paint
Tools: Saw, Scissor, Fork, Brush
Face Making

- Take the PVC pipe and cut diagonal from top.
- Put the diagonal side of PVC sheet and mark with marker.
- Cut the sheet glue at corners and stick on pipe.
- Draw the face on pipe with pencil.
- Trace with marker.
- Stick paper mache on drawn face.
- Use fork to make pattern on mustache and beard.
- Use fork back (handle) to plain nose,cheeks, etc.
- Allow it to dry on sunshine.
Bark Texture

- Split the pipe into half.
- Put the half part on big pipe and put hot glue on sides.
- Cut the extra pipe.
- Cover the whole pipe except face.
- Mix white cement and water in a bowl to make thick paste.
- Rub coarse grit sandpaper on pipe to make it rough.So when cement dries up, cement does not leave the pipe.
- Apply cement paste on pipes and make bark like texture by small round brush back side.(toothpick or anything could be use for that).
- Be careful, wet cement can cause skin burns. Must use gloves.
- Let it dry for a day.
- Cover the face part with paper and masking tape.

- Apply burnt sienna or brown poster paints on all surface except the masked area.
- Then take a piece of cloth make it wet in water and rub on surface (don't rub it on deep area of bark).
- Wait for dry (30 minutes).
- Mix white (80%) and black(20%) poster paints to make gray color and apply of surface slightly.
- Then mix brown color in it and again apply on surface.
- Apply spray can clear lacquer.
- Remove the paper and masking tape.
- Paint the face with beige color paint.
Thanks for Watching.