Wolverine - 8ft Tall


8ft tall Wolverine made out of cardboard, wood glue, faux leather fabric, grit, and love. :)
~Cardboard (heavy duty if possible)
~ Wood Glue
~ Yellow Faux Leather
~ Black stretch fabric
~ push pins
~ metallic spray paint
~ White cloth
~ backpackers backpack
~ black gloves
~ zip ties
~ glue gun
~ Foam (l200 and EVA)
Forming the Head Shape

the head was designed with the dimensions intending to be as follows: ear to ear = 27.5 in, front of nose to back of head = 22.5 inch, and bottom of chin to top of ears 30 in.
In order to get the oval roundness of his head we opted to use a plastic ball to wrap the cardboard around like an orange. An outline of the head was then traced, and proportions and placement of features were worked on.From here, enlarged the overall spherical form of his head to match the larger front.
Eva foam was then traced and cut out to shape with flexibility the winged mask/ears.
Mask Construction




The next step was layered paper mache over the mask in order to give it depth. About 3 layers were used.
Indentations were made above the eyes before adding paper mache. Also, creates slanting from the outer cheeks into the eye area. After letting it dry for a day, began to work on the cheek placement and proportions of the mask and ears.
Paper mache was then added to the original half-head form. The plastic bag is a barrier form for the second half of the head. When completed, the two halves were connected. This allowed the 2nd half to be lighter to wear.
Teeth courtesy of Chic-fil-A Lemonade Styrofoam cups with glue added to back to teeth
Lastly, the nose was shaped with paper mache but not too thick so could adjust once assembled.
Wrapping the Head


Once both halves were dry it was time to connect the two halves together and attach the mask to the face. This was done with a hot glue gun. Then to ensure the mask did not slide while moving, zip ties were cut into the cardboard to secure their place.
Yellow fabric was wrapped around the mask, then followed by the wrapping of the black. The face was then painted with a peach texture (eventually ruffed up for a more rugged look). This took time and slight revisions as the faux leather can bubble up if not placed on correctly
Body and Backpack Support


The costume body was used from a bought costume that was then ripped and altered. A backpack was used to hold the support for the head on PVC pipes.
The backpack was covered with yellow fax fabric then added depth to the design. Black fabric was cut out to give a spike appearance and black duct tape was used to round out the bottom.
The boots were constructed with black fabric in the front and black duct tape covering the back.
The belt was made with red duct tape and foam and attached to the front frame with velcro.
The Claws


The claws are made out of cardboard. Each piece was formed as a triangle and then shaped to slide into the next. This allows the claws to retract as needed. The claws can slide in and out two placesThe tips were cut out of l200 foam.
The claws were then spray-painted metallic and left to dry for a day.
Suiting Up


Once completed, it was time to suit up and wreak havoc on the town. Had a blast wearing this guy around town and pretending to be not very nice. Thank you for reading. :)