Wobble Catch

Playing wobble catch is like playing normal catch except the ball (balloon) wobbles in flight and is harder to catch.
It throws up in the air as normal but then zooms back down.
Easy and cheap to make as it only takes a couple of ballons and some water to make.
Bit of water
Insert a Balloon Into a Ballon

Take two balloons and insert one into the other.
The handle end of a smooth teaspoon may help poking the balloon in.
Have the blowing end still outside.
Add Some Water

Add a little water from the tap into the inserted ballon. Not much is required, fill it to be an inch or two round. Tie off the inner balloon and fully push it into the first balloon.
Blow Up Outer Ballon

Blow up the outer ballon to a fair size and tie off.
The idea is for the inner water filled balloon to move around inside the other ballon, causing it to move in an erratic way when thrown.
Test it out by throwing it up into the air or to somebody. Probably a good idea to play with it out side in case it bursts.