Wireless USB Temperature & Humidity Datalogger
by signalelektronik in Circuits > Sensors
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Wireless USB Temperature & Humidity Datalogger

U-EC6 USB Emulator Debugger source
RF-2410M source1 / source2
RF-2410U source1/ source2
SHT11 Digital Humidity & Temperature Sensor Source
Battery Holder source
Plastic Enclosure source
Source Code & Programming Utilities
Programming USB Dongle With Inhaos Programmer

Fisrt of all programming USB Dongle with Inhaos programming Module
Programming RF-2410M Module

Programming RF-210M Module with SILABS Debugger

Wiring all parts test & Mounting in case!
WINXP & 7 Driver Setup

WINXP & 7 Driver Setup
Reader Software Install Gather Net Application

Step 1 Sensor Settings
Step2 Program Settings Device UID 2a2b2c RF Channel 110 Temperature & Humidity
Step2 Program Settings Device UID 2a2b2c RF Channel 110 Temperature & Humidity
Connecting to Reader Module and Test :-)

Connecting to reader module and test :-)