Wireless Message Board Using Bluetooth Technology(HC-05)

by SAYED SALMAN in Circuits > Arduino

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Wireless Message Board Using Bluetooth Technology(HC-05)


The Wireless Electronic Message Board is designed to be able to display messages without having to make physical changes in the hardware used. The idea behind this project was to use a BLUETOOTH module to send a message via Arduino Board and display the message directly on a liquid crystal display(LCD board)


arduino uno.jpg

Arduino Uno

LCD 16x2

I2C Module 16x2

Bluetooth Module

Mini Breadboard

Jumper Wires(As per required)

Circuit Diagram

layout dc.JPG

As the above figure shows, the Bluetooth module (HC-05) is connected to the Arduino Uno, which in turn is connected to the 16*2 LCD soldered with I2C Module. Here, the program to run the Message board is fed into the microcontroller(Arduino), which on giving the input commands in the BLUETOOTH gets activated. The Tx/Rx is then pushed to view the message in LCD Display

Point to be Noted: While Connecting Bluetooth Module to the Arduino, the Tx(Bluetooth module) should be Connected to Rx(Arduino) and Rx(Bluetooth Module) should be Connected to Tx(Arduino) vice-versa.

In Real-time, while uploading the Program to the Arduino board the user should be aware the Tx,Rx of Bluetooth Module should not be connected to the Arduino otherwise it cause malfunction in the module.

Software Used:

For Symmetric diagram: Proteus 8 Professional

For Coding: Arduino Software

Working and Principle

Wireless Message Board Using Bluetooth Technology | Digital Communication Project

This project is meant to design an electronic notice board that does not require any unnecessary wires and whose message can be easily changed using a Bluetooth module. This can be done by simply sending a message to the Bluetooth module to alter the message that is to be displayed. The Bluetooth module can then send a command to change the message, which will be displayed on the LCD board.

Bluetooth Working Principle:

Wireless communication is swiftly replacing the wired connection when it comes to electronics and communication. Designed to replace cable connections HC-05 uses serial communication to communicate with the electronics. Usually, it is used to connect small devices like mobile phones using a short-range wireless connection to exchange files. It uses the 2.45GHz frequency band. The transfer rate of the data can vary up to 1Mbps and is in range of 10 meters. 

The HC-05 module can be operated within 4-6V of power supply. It supports baud rate of 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, etc. Most importantly it can be operated in Master-Slave mode which means it will neither send or receive data from external sources.

Modes of Operation:

The HC-05 Bluetooth Module can be used in two modes of operation:

Command Mode and Data Mode

i)Command Mode:

In Command Mode, you can communicate with the Bluetooth module through AT Commands for configuring various settings and parameters of the Module like get the firmware information, changing Baud Rate, changing module name, it can be used to set it as master or slave. 

A point about HC-05 Module is that it can be configured as Master or Slave in a communication pair. In order to select either of the modes, you need to activate the Command Mode and sent appropriate AT Commands. 

ii)Data Mode:

Coming to the Data Mode, in this mode, the module is used for communicating with other Bluetooth device i.e. data transfer happens in this mode.

Application Used to Transfer the message is https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appsvalley.bluetooth.arduinocontroller&hl=en_IN&gl=US


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2022_01_01_21_34_IMG_0039_Moment 3.jpg

The Wireless Electronic Message Board can be used in a variety of applications, like notice boards for schedules in bus stops and train stations. It can be used in schools, colleges and organizations to manipulate the information within a minutes because in the oldest board it can be change using the USB only.

The purpose of this project is to Change the information in message board using wireless technology using Android application without the use of any hardware like old message board using the USB type to change the information.


As the technology is advancing every day the display board systems are moving from Normal hand writing display to digital display. Further to Wireless display units. The wireless notice board system with BLUETOOTH Module connected to it, which displays the desired message of the user through an Application in a most populated or crowded places. This proposed system has many upcoming applications in educational institutions and organizations, crime prevention, traffic management, railways, advertisements etc. Been user friendly, long range and faster means of conveying information are major bolsters for this application. By using this proposed methodology we can enhance the security system and also make awareness of the emergency situations and avoid many danger.