Wire Tree

Decorate home tablets with this wire tree.
- Copper Wire 60 Metre (20 Gauge)
- Wire Cutter
- Nose Pliers
- Wood Piece
- Drill Power Tool
- Measuring Tape
- Marker

- Measure 18 inches of wire and cut it.
- By doing the same cut all the wire.
- Now you have a bunch of 18 inches wires.
Making the Base

- Take a piece of wood, mark 8 points on it like shown in picture.
- Now the calculation part comes.
- Divide the total number of wires on 8. In my case 114/8 = 14.
- Now make a 8 clusters of wires each containing 14 wires.
- Analyse the thickness of cluster and select the drill bit according to the thickness of cluster.
- Make hole on that points with drill machine.
- And pass each cluster through these hole (1 inch).
- Bend these wires so they can't pull back out.
Making the Trunk and Branches

- Grab the wood with left hand and wire with right hand and twist it. Use Pliers if needed.
- Split the wires to make the main branches and twist them too.
- Again split for some small branches.
- By doing the same make more branches as much you like. But remember one thing leave minimum 3 inches from the top of every branch to make leaves.
Making the Leaves

- Open the wires if it bends from top of branches.
- Grab one wire with nose pliers at the top (Leaving the half cm) then twist your wrist to right, again hold this wire a little below and twist your wrist to left. Do it till the end of wire.
- Now the wire have some zic zac shape.(See in picture)
- Make all wire shape like this in the same branch.
- Now roll them or press them to compress.
- Do it for all the other all branches.
See How This Tree Was Made (Video)