Wire Bonsai Tree

Make this Wire Bonsai Tree in home.
- Copper Wire 100 Metre (21 Gauge)
- Wire Cutter
- Nose Pliers
- Measuring Tape
- Marker
- Masking Tape
- Pot
- Thermocol Sheet
- White Marble Chips

- Measure 24 inches of wire and cut it.
- By doing the same cut all the wire.
- Now you have a bunch of 24 inches wires.
Making the Structure

- Wrap masking tape on one end of the wires.
- Grab this end with left hand and from center with right hand and twist it. Use Pliers if needed.
- Split the wires to make branches and twist them too.
- By doing the same make more branches as much you like. But remember one thing leave minimum 3 inches from the top of every branch to make leaves. "Lengthy wires make dense leaves".
Making the Leaves


- Open the wires if it bends from top of branches.
- Grab one wire with nose pliers at the top (Leaving the half cm) then twist your wrist to right, again hold this wire a little below and twist your wrist to left. Do it till the end of wire.
- Now the wire have some zic zac shape.(See in picture)
- Make all wire shape like this in the same branch.
- Now roll them or press them to compress.
- Do it for all the other all branches.
Making the Roots

- Unwrap the masking tape.
- Divide the end into two parts.
- Further divide them and twist them with pliers.
Making the Base

- Take some pot.
- I have use thermocol sheet and place pot on it, mark it and then cut it. Put the thermocol piece in pot and penetrate the root of tree in that thermocol sheet. And finally spread White Marble Chips on it. But of course it was not a good idea, because it has a risk to fall.
- So it is better to take a "white cement" or "plaster of paris" dissolve it in water and fill it in the pot and after it dries spread white marbles chips for decor.